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"Don't bend yer back like that, it'll get sore,"

You stood up, wiping the sweat off your forehead with your arm,
"Lemme watch you do it again, I feel like I'm almost there,"

After processing what you said, he got back to work, planting the rice into the wet soil. Though something about the way your eyes were analyzing him almost caused him to slip up, he was able to successfully plant a row of rice seedlings.

"There, ya got it?"

You nodded, and with a bit more confidence, you started to plant the seedlings.

Judging by how Kita didn't comment on your form, you determined that you were doing it correctly. After a while, you stood up straight to look at your progress, only to find that compared to Kita, the seedlings you planted looked like trash.

Seeing the dejected look on your face, he comforted you,
"Don't beat yerself down, it's yer first time anyways,"

"Thanks Kita..."

Even though Kita himself told you it was fine, he really didn't want you messing up his farm, so he decided to send you off to run some errands.

"I need ya to get some veggies, if you go down that way, then take a left, go a bit further, go right, take another left and then a sharp right, ya should be there,"

He handed you some money,
"This should cover it all,"

"Anything specific you want?"

He thought to himself for a moment before answering,
"At least one of everything,"

Content with your instructions, you ran off, hoping you'd remember all the directions he gave you.

'Take a right then a sharp left... or was it left then sharp right? Was it my right or his right? WHY ARENT THERE ANY GODDAMNED SIGNS'

In the end you decided to spin around and choose a direction to go, which ended up leading you to your destination.

And unmanned stand of various veggies was displayed in front of you, all of which at shockingly low prices. You put the money in a box and started to pick them out.

'One of these, a few of those... do I really have to get that? Well he did say to get one of each,'

Satisfied with your veggie haul, you made your way back to Kita, who was still planting.

"I got the veggies! Where do you want me to put them?"

He turned towards you before going back to planting,
"Just put 'em inside the house, ya have the key,"

"Okay, you want me to bring you a drink?"

He thought about it for a moment,
"Water's fine, there should be a bottle in the fridge,"

And so you made your way to the house, washing the veggies before setting them out to dry. You approached the fridge, opening it's doors and scanning for the water bottle.

You grabbed the water bottle and a little snack for yourself, then headed back out to Kita. But along your way there, a fox appeared out of nowhere, jumping up and snatching your snack from your very hands.


Instead of giving up like a normal person, you decided to chase the fox, not wanting to let your food go.

It proved to be a very difficult task, as the fox was a lot more agile than you were, but you were still able to maintain it in your line of sight.

As the fox turned the corner around a house, so did you, but you weren't expecting to see a familiar dark haired man there too.

"Whatcha got there little buddy? A snack? For me?"

You watched as the fox dropped your snack right in front of Osamu before scurrying off. He bent down to pick it up, but seemed to notice something from the corner of his eye.

You ducked behind the house as fast as you could, hoping to whatever's up there that he didn't see you.


You peaked around the corner again, and let out an exhale of relief when you didn't see him there. But then you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"(F/n)? What're ya doin' all the way here in Hyogo? Is this where you've been the whole time?"

You stayed completely still.

"I can still see ya, even if ya don't move"

You sighed in defeat, standing up to face him.

"Yeah, after I did the whole thing, I ended up here. Surprise?"

He gave you a tight hug, whispering,
"I'm sorry,"

You hugged him back,
"There's nothing to be sorry about,"

You pulled away from the hug, and realized Kita was probably waiting for you back at the field.

"Oh crap, I gotta go, Samu! I'm staying at Kita's house, so stop by whenever,"

You gave him a wave before heading off, hoping the water was still cold enough for Kita'a tastes.


"Quit yelling, yer gonna disturb the old folk,"

You handed him the water.

"But thanks. Oh, I should probably tell ya, Samu's in town,"

"...that's good to know,"


"He's also comin' over for dinner, ya want something specific?"

You shook your head,
"No, I'll just have what you two are having,"

He hummed in response and drank some of his water,
"Not too cold, that's good,"


IM BACK (for now 👁️👁️) I fear I've written myself into a corner

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