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HERE WE ARE I'm probably not going to make you crippled for too long but just a little while ALSO TY FOR 20K READS!

"I'm just going to ask you one more time... are you really okay with this?"

The male who wheeled you into your home sighed,
"I've said yes the other fifty times, what makes you think I'm gonna change my answer?"

You rested your hand on his, which had a tight grip on your wheelchair handles,
"I just... Korai... volleyball was your dream! And now you're... here. Having to take care of me,"

He let go of your chair, and went in front of you, putting his hands on your armrests, leaning over you.

"Who said I was giving up on my dream! I can take care of you AND play volleyball. Besides, it's off season! And the doctors said you wouldn't be in a wheelchair for too long,"

You stared into his eyes, and knew that he wouldn't budge. You sighed, and let a smile form on your face.

"Okay Korai. Thank you for everything,"

He went back to his position behind you, wheeling you into your living room.

"Hey, what are best friends for?"

You hummed in response, glad to have him by your side.

Living with a wheelchair was something you had to get used to. When Korai wasn't with you, you had to wheel yourself around the house, which was fine at first, but you quickly found out how tiring it could be. Using the bathroom and bathing was even worse. You still had some usability in your legs, which you were thankful. But too much pressure on your legs, and you'd be in horrible pain, and would end up falling to the floor. You were thankful to have a bidet.

Going to bed was also rough, your bedroom was on the second floor on your house, and going upstairs in a wheelchair? Not gonna happen. You ended up relying on your best friend to lift you up the stairs.

"Who knew that you'd be the one carrying me!"

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

From your position on his back, you rested your chin on his shoulder.

"I mean, when we were younger, I was always the one carrying!"

"That's because I never got a chance to carry you!"

You giggled, and the vibrations tickled the shorter male. (IDK IF YOUR TALL NOW BUT WE CAN PRETEND YOU GET TALLER IN THE FUTURE).

You could notice him stumbling as he carried you up the stairs, and always watched him recover from carrying you.

"Y'know, maybe I'll just sleep downstairs, the couch speaks to me,"

"The couch? Why don't you sleep in the guest room?"

"Because you're sleeping there,"

He put a frozen pizza in the oven, setting the timer and temperature.

"I'll move to the couch then,"

You wheeled yourself closer to him,
"You don't have to! The couch is comfy, but it'll destroy your back! Which I'm pretty sure is very important for volleyball,"

The volleyball player was tired of you worrying over his career and dreams, praying that for once, you'd think about yourself.

"Then what do we do?"

You thought about this for a moment, scratching your chin. Then you had a eureka moment.

"We can sleep together!"

Forgotten (Adult Haikyuu x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now