Zhongli [quality spice]

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my therapist said i should do things i enjoy (and also dont really focus on the outcome) so i kinda did something...

enjoy my simps<3

You got home later than usual.

The job assigned to you turned out to be a bit more troublesome and dirty than you'd thought and now all you wanted was a glass of wine, long bath and at least twelve hours of sleep.

'I'm back' you said loudly as you closed the door.

Even though it was almost two in the morning the lights in the living room were still on.

You were taking off your shoes when a shadow entered the hall and right after it – Zhongli.

'Good to have you back, y/n.' He leaned on the wall, watching you with a calm smile as you took off your coat. You gave him a side look but said nothing. 'How was it, dear? I hope Shenhe didn't cause you any trouble.'

'Why, no.' You slid the knives from your pockets and put them carefully in their goblet. 'It was alright, honey, as usual.' You shrugged. 'It did get a bit messy but Shenhe actually saved me a lot of trouble. You should have seen her. I never knew one could fit so many bodies in a refrigerator.' you giggled.

Zhongli didn't seem interested in that.

'What do you mean 'messy'?' He frowned and his gaze hardened. 'Are you feeling alright?'

You sighed as you put the last knife down.

'Yes, darling. Quite alright.' You walked through the hall and as you were passing him, you stopped and standing on the tip of your toes you left a quick kiss on Zhongli's cheek and wanted to be on your way. However your husband decided he was having none of that and

You covered your mouth as you yawned.

It was funny how easy it was for you to feel sleepy whenever Zhongli would pull you close like that, burying his face in the curve of your neck, and you would smell his perfume and feel the warmth of his skin against yours as you leaned on him completely, until his arms that were at first wrapped around you, would raise you up and carry to bed.

'I'm giving you too much work' he murmured, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. 'I apologize. I should know better than that.'

'No you're not, silly' you sighed, reaching your hand to touch his face and caressing his cheek with a smile. 'I wanted this job and so I do it. It's my responsibility and my duty to fulfil your orders, boss.' Zhognli raised his eyebrow at that last word. 'But if you feel so guilty about that, you could pour me some wine.' You kissed him once again – this time on the lips – but before he could even blink you were already in the bathroom, trying to wash off the rest of the blood from under your nails.

You joined Zhongli after a while, only to find him and wine waiting for you. He was sitting on his armchair reading something but as soon as you entered the room, he dropped it, stood up, taking a glass from the table beside him and made his way to you.

You watched his steps, fascinated. He walked with the confidence of the man who knew what he wanted and would go through hell to get it. But still, he had a kind smile and a face you loved to look at, and which you had memorised perfectly.

'Here, darling' he said as he gave you wine.

You drank it slowly, feeling his careful gaze fixed at you.

He took a step closer to you and as soon as you finished, he took the glass from you and put it away.


You gasped as he suddenly grabbed your hips more firmly, pulling you closer. He gently pressed his lips to yours. Your hands found their way to the back of his head and neck and before you knew it, you were far gone.

He kissed you harder as he slowly walked back to his armchair and fell into it, letting you to fall on him, with your hips pressed even more to his and your legs on his sides.

You felt how his mouth stretched in a smile, when you finally stopped fighting and let him take control completely but it didn't amuse him for too long.

When he broke the kiss, you were breathing heavily and felt heat rushing through your veins. Zhongli, however, seemed nothing but composed.

Both of you were staring each other in the eyes – you surprised at his hastiness and he, smiling at you in his peculiar, curious way. With his eyes were piercing you down and his hand on your back, you felt defenceless and down for whatever he felt like doing.

His thumb traced the line of your lips, parting them gently.

He put his middle and index fingers on the corner of your mouth and then slowly pushed them inside deeper and deeper.

'Open wider' he commanded you and you did. Zhongli rewarded you with a pleased smile. 'Very well, baby.'

You could tell by the look of his face, he enjoyed having you like this.

He took his fingers out of your mouth and gazing you straight in the eyes, slowly let his hand to fall down between your legs.

Your nails thrust more and more in the skin of his back, with each move of his fingertips you felt. Zhongli knew exactly where to touch you and how fast to go to make you do precisely what he wanted.

His gentle and slow movements suddenly got faster and faster and less merciful just as your eyes widen as you saw Zhongli lift the corner of his mouth just before he put more force into his fingers. You almost moaned but he shut you up, kissing you violently, bruising your lips and smiling into them as you whined weakly.

You tasted blood on your tongue but you didn't want him to stop. Not now. Not when he messed with you like that.

And then he let you go.

He broke the kiss, his hand slid to your thigh and Zhongli gave you a calm smile as your chest was raising and falling rapidly and your cheeks burnt. He loved to see you mad and right now you were more than quite discontent.

'Good. Very good' he said quietly, pressing himself harder against you, not stopping to delicately caress your inner thigh. 'But don't be too greedy, darling.'

You raised your eyebrow with contempt.

'You know I could kill you here and now with my bare hands?'

'I know.' He smiled as his hand traveled up to your stomach, outside the gown and to its belt and untied it. Silky material slid down your shoulders and back, until it fell on the floor with a loud cling of a knife bumping against the marble. 'But I think I can convince you not to.'

'My, why are you always so confident about that?' you growled, frowning.

Zhongli merely smiled, as he took your chin into his hand and raised it.

'Try me, then.' He whispered, brushing his lips against yours.

You smiled, beginning to slowly button down his shirt as you kept your eyes locked with his.

'Oh don't worry, I will.'

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