Thoma [cuz im a simp obv]

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from this place i'd like to say that i love my friends very very very much and i absolutely fucking hate matcha frappucino from starbucks <3


You were spending another day at Ritou. After Ei finally took care of things, this place really started to flourish. It was only a shame that you didn't have anything to do. Of course, it was nice to rest and be bored for a while but you slowly couldn't stand idleness anymore.

Good thing, a certain gentleman was just passing by and he was kind enough to recognize you and even smile at you sweetly.

'Thoma? How good to see you!' You were surprised to see him. He didn't seem to be in a hurry, which was quite unusual. 'How are you? Do you need help with something?'

'Hi there, y/n. I'm fine, thanks.' Thoma grinned at you and leaned on a fence next to you. 'Actually, do you got any time to spare? I have a whole afternoon off and I thought maybe we could go somewhere together.'

You ignored a rush of blood you felt suddenly and gave him a bold look.

'For you? Always.' You laughed as Thoma raised his eyebrow with a smile. He blushed slightly but you acted like you didn't notice anything. 'No but seriously, I have lots of time to waste away' you told him.

'Really?' His face lightened up but in a blink of an eye he was all smuggy – or rather tried to be. Unfortunately for him, Thoma had too nice of a face, to look anything cute with a 'mischievous' sparkle in his eyes. 'Gosh, lucky me to catch you like that.'

You laughed again. Amazing, how just a moment with him made your day so much better.

'So where are you taking me?' you inquired, curious about Thoma's plans.

He gazed at you and frowned, deep in thought.

'Have you eaten?' he asked.

'Yes sir.'

Thoma rolled his eyes with a smile.

'Well, I'm glad' he said. 'So how about a stroll? Actually, I found a pretty nice place not long ago and I'll be happy to show it to you.' You raised an eyebrow curiously. Thoma was being polite as always but a blush, which was creeping onto his face, was revealing that there was a little more to it than just courtesy. 'I think you'll like it.'

'If you think so, I believe it.'

And with that you two were on your way. You didn't talk about anything grand or very interesting – most of it your conversation was spent on Thoma's enthusiastic tale about his last trip to the stray dogs and cats, your giggles at every story about what those silly little creatures have been up. At some point, he started to talk you into knitting more sweaters for them together.

'You do know I still can't knit that well, right?'

'Who are you trying to fool?' Thoma sighed and shook his head with a smile. 'I saw your last scarf. It was great!'

'The stitch was uneven...'

Thoma cut you off with a snort.

'Nonsense!' he exclaimed. 'You're doing just fine and please don't doubt your abilities. As your teacher, it makes me especially sad.'

'Sorry.' You knew all too well that your skills were nonexistent (the scarf was more than uneven – it was already ripping off and it was ugly) and you were just being tricked into spending more time with him. You didn't mind, though.

The rest of your way passed on more stories – this time about Taromaru. They weren't exactly exciting or crazy but you enjoyed listening to Thoma as he spoke and as his eyes lightened up and he smiled, talking about his favourite fluffy friend. You were so invested in the tales that you didn't even notice, when you finally stopped.

'We're here' Thoma announced with a grin, grabbing you by your arm to halt you, since you almost walked into a tree. 'Careful there.'

You blushed, embarrassed and looked away from him. It was easy to pretend you did it only to admire the view. As far as you could see, there were and it smelled so sweetly – heavenly even. You were more than certain that Thoma had brought you to the most beautiful flower field you've ever seen.

'So? How do you like it?' he asked, anxiously looking at your face.

You rolled your eyes with a smile as you grabbed his hand.

'Of course, silly' you laughed, as you pulled him behind you into the colourful sea of flowers. 'C'mon!'

He shook his head with a smile but obediently ran after you. You felt fresh air around you, smooth, soft petals brushing against your free hand and warm, soft skin around the other. You were starting to run out of breath but it didn't matter. You felt too happy to care and you stopped only, when Thoma pulled back a little and then a little more, so that you were facing each other, your hearts racing, your faces flushed

He carefully bent down to pick a pretty little sunny flower, to then put it in your hair and caressed your cheek, slowly, with such intense and longing look in his eyes, as if he was trying to engrave the memory of this moment in his heart. He was so gentle and his skin felt so soft against yours.

You couldn't stop gazing at him. There was something mesmerizing about the way he stood in front of you, with all those flowers around him, which made him look almost angelic, with his bright eyes fixed on you, brave enough to make the first move, yet too shy to take another.

You put his hand on top of his and pressed it to your face.

'Thank you, Thoma' you whispered. 'For the flower. It's beautiful.'

He smiled gently, still keeping his eyes on yours.

You both fell silent.

'How bad would it be' he said quietly 'if I wanted to kiss you right now?'

'It would be bad if you didn't do anything about it' you answered, as your gaze slipped to his lips.

Thoma bit his lower lip, staring into your eyes, as his other hand travelled to your back and slowly slid down to your hip, leaving traces of shivers. He pulled you closer as he leaned to you. Your chests were pressing against each other and you wondered how much more waiting you could take.

That was when you grabbed him by his collar and pressed his lips against his, making him smile as he sank deeper into the kiss.

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