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i just...
i'm sorry ;-;


It was terribly late. Even your cats had quitted messing around already and went to sleep. But you were still awake. You were sitting on the couch, trying to read but your thoughts kept slipping in one direction. Your husband hadn't got home and you were begging to worry - he had a habit of getting himself in trouble, picking fights with litterally everybody and - what's the most importent - he was working for the Fatui. And everybody knew that the sixth Harbinger, Scaramouche never cut corners.
He always managed to deal with everything just fine, and with style too, but you just couldn't help but overthink things. People kept on telling you that you were way too sensitive and emotional and you should stop crying so much. They also liked to say that you had way too many feelings for that little Fatui bastard and that those deals with the devil would eventually get you into trouble.
Scaramouche usually just smirked if he happened to hear these lovely remarks. He always kissed you on the forehead and with slightly insane look in his eyes he was saying something that made people want to unexist themselves really quick, before the Fatui would get a chance do them a favour and end their live for them.
Scaramouche was more then willing to beat the shit out of anybody who would dare to disrespect you or make you sad. He never let blood to touch your hands and never let the cruelty of his world to get you.
He told you nothing about his Fatui business and when you asked him about it once, he just shook his head.
"You deserve a peaceful life, y/n. Please think nothing of it".
He always made sure that you won't see him covered in blood. You saw him like only once.
It was a few days after he became your boyfriend, when he showed up at your doorstep. He looked horrible - clothes stained with blood, hair in complete mess just like he himself.
"y/n, tell me one thing please, and I'm begging you be honest" he said with his eyes full of tears and despair. "Are you scared of me?"
You smiled gently and took his hand into yours.
The shock on his face broke your heart into million pieces.
"But I am worried about you" you told him. Scaramouche gazed at you in amazement.
The next day, he visited you unexpectedly again, and this time he brought dinner and DVDs with him.
"I... I'm sorry to bother you but I was in the neighbourhood and I thought we could spend some time together and..." You rolled your eyes and silenced him with a kiss, making him blush and drop everything he was carrying.
Since then he was showing up at your doorstep quite often, especially that this very doorstep, was now also his.
"Where is he?" you asked yourself, looking at a clock. It was past 2 a.m. and Scaramouche still wasn't home. "He's either petting cats or killing people in some dark alley" you sighed.
You berely finshed the sentence as you heard the screeching of a key and the door opening quietly.
"Scaramouche?" You got up from the couch and rushed to the hall. Indeed, it was your husband, very handsome, very tired and very happy to see you.
"y/n". He hugged you and placed a kiss on your knuckles. "Why aren't you sleeping, dear?"
"I was waiting for you, obviously". You rolled your eyes.
"Oh my, you didn't have to" he sighed, caressing your cheek. He was so gentle with you and always so kind. It felt so good to be loved by someone, who hated everybody.
"But I wanted to" you said with a smile.
"How naughty of me to keep you waiting for so long". Scaramouche brushed his thumb against your lips. "Certainlly a bad boy like me must be punished severely, don't you think darling?"
You rose your eyebrow, laughing under your breath.
"You have dirty things on your mind too often".
Scaramouche looked at you in surprise.
"I meant something like sending me to bed without dinner, for example" he said. "You are leaping into conclusion".
You blushed.
"Really?" you asked sceptically.
His deep dark eyes were gazing at you .
"Oh, so you are curious what I am thinking about?" Scaramouche gave you a crooked smile.
You shrugged.
"Maybe" you said, playing with his hair. You loved the overwhelming smell of his shampoo - bitter-sweet scent of cherries was haunting you even in your sleep.
"So I guess I will have to show you, won't I?" he whispered, getting closer to your face.
"I guess you will have to" you agreed.
Scaramouche smiled into your lips, as his hands found their way to your waist and he pulled you closer to him.
"Very well then" he said, kissing your jaw. You felt so weak under his touch, your whole body was burning and he almost got you on your knees.
His lips finally found yours.
He was always greedy and always wanted you all for himself. His kisses were delicate at first but with every second, they were becoming more and more passionate and left you yearning for more.
"Aw, you really missed me, huh?" Scaramouche chuckled as he was unbuttoning your shirt.
Your back was now pressed to the wall, your heart was pounding and you were fighting to catch your breath.
Scaramouche put his hands around your neck, observing your face. With his eyes still fixed at you, he brushed his cold fingertips against your skin, starting from drawing little cricles on your collarbones and then, getting down to your chest and stomach and leaving you shivering with pleasure and moaning. Scaramouche smiled, pleased with the mess he had made out of you.
"My, you're so cute" he whispered amused.
You grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer as you pressed your lips to his. You kissed him violently, brusing yours and his lips, feeling the heat filling you and the blood rushing through your body. You didn't let go till you completly ran out of breath. Somehow, you two ended up lying on your bed, Scaramouche was now shirtless and you were hovering over him.
You sat on his hips enjoying the power you were just given.
"What am I supposed to with you?" you sighed, leaning to him.
"Whatever you want, y/n" Scaramouche laughed as your lips brushed against his. "I am at your mercy".
You smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle" you assured him, caressing his cheek. His eyes were at you, his hand was in your hair and the other was on your lower back.
You bit your lower lip, running your fingers through his hair and down his face and then placed a few gentle kisses on his neck as your hands travelled to his chest. Scaramouche moaned your name, when you bit his skin on the collarbones.
He pulled you closer and you giggled, kissing his nose and letting your hand to get to unbuckle his belt. You pressed delicately both your palms to his cheeks and smiled innocently. You wanted to test his patience.
"So what do you want me to do now?" you asked, leaning so close to him that your lips were almost touching each other.
Scaramouche only smiled gazing into your eyes. He didn't answer.
You ran your fingers through his hair again and leaned closer to him as if you were about to kiss him but in the last moment you moved aside from Scaramouche.
He was having none of it and suddenly, Scaramouche rolled you over, so that now he was over you.
His patience ran out pretty quickly.
"Don't tease me" he growled and pressed his lips to yours.
You pulled him by his hair and then found yourself breathing heavily when he let you go and went down to your stomach, leaving a trait of sloppy kisses after him. His hands were on your hips and his name was on your lips.
And then, he stopped.
"Oh, is that all?" You were surprised.
Scaramouche was between your legs, with his chest hovering over your hips and his eyes gazing at yours.
"y/n, how do you do it?" he asked out of the blue.
"Do what?"
"How do you make me such a fool for you? How the hell do you have so much power over me?"
You gave him a grin that he loved so much.
"You gave me that power yourself, Scaramouche" you whispered.
He shook his head laughing.
"What did I do to deserve you?"
You sat back up, getting your face close to his, so that you could feel his warm breath on your neck. You gazed at him with your mind completly empty, letting yourself drown into this dark blue eyes.
"You love me way too much" you said.
"I'm terribly in love with you too, you know".
"I know". Scaramouche had his lips on yours. "But I still want more".
You kissed him, biting his lower lip as he pinned you down again.
"I will give you whatever you want" you whispered into his lips. "Just ask me".
A sneaky smile crept into his face.
"Oh yeah?" Scaramouche touched your earlobe with his lips. "Then what would you say if I told you that I want you?"
You looked at him with a slight amusement and kissed him hard, pressing your body so close to his that your heartbeats and breaths merged into one and you were hoping that he'll understand all the words that you just couldn't say into his face.

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