Childe [fluff pt.2]

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hello my besties

in today's episode of random facts you don't need to know about me i would like to share with you an amazing discovery i made

so basically, i just realized that every guy i've ever had a crush on has

1) abandonment issues

2) problems with alcohol

3) treats me as a consolation prize or doesn't treat me at all UNLESS they're super-bored and super-desperate for attention

but at least my girl-crushes are kind, thoughtful, polite, funny and i mean they are literal goddesses and maybe also a bit depressed BUT AT LEAST THEY ARE MATURE AND FACE THEIR PROBLEMS so there's still hope for me :D

also my comments w/ povs on yt keep on disappearing so yea it's fun ;-;

It was a long since you and Childe left Liyue together. You'd always thought that the Harbour was your home but actually, you were wrong – now, travelling with Tartaglia you finally felt alive and in control. What you had was more than a dream and much, much better.

And although you would sometimes brag about how annoying he was and how much you were done with his nonsense, you were actually happy to have him around. Childe happened to be very useful whenever you wanted to drink hot tea but didn't feel like getting up from the couch or out of bed. It was good not to have to bother about anything or at least have someone to share worries with. His shoulder was comfortable to cry on – not that he gave you any reasons to shed a tear or let your sadness overwhelm you. For the first time since you could have remembered, you felt safe and didn't dream about better days and better life to come, because you already have it all. That was it. That was the best you could ever have.

You liked staying up till morning together and having whispered conversation together, sharing secrets, memories, serious matters or complete silliness. You let go of your past and ghosts, you kept his shirts and he kept his word, gave you his trust, showed you his scars and let you weep over them. He guided you through his nightmares but you still were getting lost in his eyes.

And finally, you had a spacious kitchen and could try out all the recipes Childe had taught you.

This afternoon, you once again took charge over the dinner and busy with multiply pots, pans and Archons know what, you didn't even notice as the redhead appeared next to you.


"Hm?" You didn't stop to stir the sauce in the pot or even turn your gaze to look at him. "This needs more herbs, doesn't it?" you sighed leaning to reach the jar but before you could do it, Childe grabbed your hand, stopping you.

You frowned, appraising him.

"So...enough herbs?" you took a guess.

"I..." Childe bit his lower lip. "I mean you can add more herbs if you need but it's not what I wanted to say."

"Oh?" You quickly made a list of things you might have forgotten during cooking. It was long. Incredibly long.

For a while you stood in front of each other in silence full of some strange tension and anticipation. You kept your eyes at Childe as his seemed to try looking anywhere but you. You could have sworn that he even blushed.

Tartaglia had a face of someone who had made up their mind and was ready to make their vision a reality. Millions of possibilities and "what-ifs" rushed through your thoughts. Childe still kept quiet and you kept on getting more and more nervous. A cold shiver run down your spine.

"Will you marry me?" he asked suddenly, crossing his desperate azure gaze with yours.

You widen your eyes in surprise but just a second later you felt a smile creeping onto your lips.


"I mean if you don't want to or anything it's okay, I mean not really but if that's what you decide than I accept it and respect it and... "

You rolled your eyes and shut him up with a kiss. He had a nice voice and you could listen to him for hours but just... not now.

At first, Childe was too busy with worrying about his imaginary rejection and only stood there overwhelmed and awestruck, but after what felt like forever, he finally pulled you as close to himself as he could. And as you melted into his arms, felt his touch all over you and heat filling you and had his lips brushing against yours with sweet overwhelming passion, you understood something, that you'd actually decided a long time ago: even if it was all wrong, if he was evil, mischievous, vicious, you were going to fall into it anyway.

"I said yes, Childe" you sighed as you leaned back, breaking off from the kiss.

A lose hair was covering his eyes and you couldn't help but to gently brush it away. Your fingertips caressed soft skin of his forehead, temples, flustered cheeks and you caressed mindlessly his jaw, with a little smile on your lips.

You felt his heedful gaze was fixed on you.

"You did?"

"Yes." You looked him in the eyes with calmness and confidence only love can bring to live. "I will marry you, Ajax."

"Are you sure? 'Cause if you wanna think it through more or..."

You growled, leaning closer to him, so that you could feel his warm breath brushing the skin of your neck.

"Just kiss me you fool."

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