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for zhongli_childe_Waifu <3

hope you will enjoy x


The moon was bright. Everything was quiet and peaceful and didn't felt quite real. Just another dream to dream and forget forever.

The wind blew gently around you, playing with your hair and caressing your face.

The head of the man you loved was rested at your laps and you were brushing your fingertips against his soft skin. His chest was rising and falling in a slow rhythm, his lips were parted and his golden eyes were looking at the starry sky in admiration. As you were gazing at him, with your heart racing, you were falling in love with him over and over again and you couldn't believe how lucky you were to be here, at this very moment.

It was just another sleepless night and yet another night you spent with Zhongli. He never said no to your proposals to go for a walk at midnight, to be silent together and awake when the rest of the world was asleep. You loved to see his skin sparkling in the starlight, you loved how he gazed at the sky, you loved how he smiled at you when he noticed you staring and you loved how he then kissed you delicately and how he was always holding you in his arms a little longer than he should.

You knew it was very, very selfish of you to want to have him only for yourself. He was a god after all. The world relied on him and you, although you had no right to do so, were stealing his time, just so you could feel a bit less alone. You were but a mere mortal and yet, Zhongli always managed to spare some time for you. He always listened to you, laughed with you, cheered you up and helped you be brave. He always saved his best stories for you, he kept all of his promises and didn't play with your feelings. He actually made an effort to know you of all the people and to learn about you as much as he could. It was heart-warming to know that someone cared enough to do that.

You didn't really care about how guilty you sometimes felt because all of this.

You knew that all you two had would eventually come to an end and you couldn't afford to lose any of this precious time you were given. That was why you were always around him, you took every chance you got to touch him, feel his lips on yours, hear his voice or laugh, or just be quiet together.

It terrified you that one day it will all end.

You hated yourself for that but at times, when you were with Zhongli, you felt sad. He was a god and you were – to be honest – nobody. You would die eventually and what then? You would fade into nothing but what about the memories of you? Zhongli would remember, of course, but for how long? You were just another face, just another human on the path of his long eternal life and you knew it was only a matter of time, when all of what you two had would change into dust and it would be like it never had happened.

You tried your best to swallow your tears and remind yourself to enjoy what you had as it lasted but it was hard, so hard. Somehow, Zhongli always hugged you in such moments, placed gentle kisses all over your face, caressed your cheeks and made you smile again. It was as if he knew what you were thinking about and although for some reason you couldn't bring yourself to say it, you were grateful.

"Zhongli?" you spoke quietly all of a sudden.

The man turned his gaze at you with a gentle smile.

"Yes, y/n?" he asked, pressing his hand to your cheek. His skin was a bit cold and so soft. "What is it?"

You smiled slightly, putting your hand on top of his.

"I love you".

Zhongli smiled even brighter.

"I love you too, y/n" he said and suddenly, at this moment, in his eyes you saw the end.

It stroke you like a lightning; He had all the past behind him and the whole future in front of him. And you had just now.

He had the power to shake the universe, to do anything, be anything and he chose to be yours. For now.

"y/n, is everything alright?" Zhongli asked with a worried look on his face.

"Yes" you said softly as if your whole world hadn't collapsed and your heart hadn't just shattered into pieces. You leaned to him, pressing your lips to his in a kiss full of all the unspoken sadness, happiness, hopes, delicacy and passion. "As long as you are with me, everything is fine".

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