Jungkook almost fell in relief on seeing the bright lights of the parking. He was feeling dizzy.



"Fuck, Jungkook, you're hurt!" Tae yelled, seeing the giant gash on Jungkook's shin.

Jungkook looked down. He felt weird, seeing the wound. It wasn't even hurting that much but the amount of blood said otherwise. He staggered.

Taehyung was blurry. The last thing he saw was his tear streaked face before everything went black.


Taehyung paced the corridors of the hospital, his mind a wreck. It was all his fucking fault. He shouldn't have taken Jungkook there. He had his exams!

He... saved him. From a fucking wild animal.

Taehyung felt like the worry and guilt would drown him.

He owed Jungkook his life.

He had Jungkook's phone and he dialed every name he recognised. It was almost midnight and he doubted anyone would come but in ten minutes, all of Jungkook's family showed up, including Jimin's dad.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked, distressed. Jin and him both were in their pajamas, having left the second Taehyung called.

Taehyung narrated the whole incident. Jimin wrapped him in his arms as he broke down towards the end. He sobbed, the weight of the occurrence hitting him completely.

Jimin held him close, his own eyes filling up.

"Don't worry Tae, Jungkook is strong. It's just a leg wound, yeah?"

"Jimin, you don't understand. We both could have been dead! Do you realise that... I'm here and he's in there?! It is all my fault! He doesn't deserve to be there!"

"Taehyung, calm down. Here, have some water," Seokjin said, soothingly patting his hair.

Taehyung's body felt like lead and he wanted to throw up.

"Jin, I'm so sorry! I was stupid. He only came because I insisted. I just thought... I could cheer him up because he was so worried about his exams. I'm sorry, I put him in danger!"

Jin sighed, pulling Taehyung against him. The poor boy was shaking and it made Jin's heart clench.

"Taehyung. He'll be okay. Calm down, we're not mad at you."

Taehyung's sobs eventually turned to hiccups.

The doctor came out of the room. Jimin's dad and Namjoon went to him.

"He's fine. He needed ten stitches and it would hurt to walk for a while but I recommend not to until the sutures completely come out. It would take about eight days. He needs to be in here for the night to monitor but you can take him home first thing in the morning. He's lucky he escaped with just that wound, one of the bravest people I've seen."

Everyone collectively heaved a sigh of relief.

"He'll wake in a while. You can see him but only one of you should stay."

With that the doctor left.

"I'll stay," Tae said immediately.

"No Tae, go home. You're shaken up, you could use the sleep," Namjoon said gently.

"No please. Let me. I won't be able to sleep anyway."

Taehyung just wanted to be near him, his Kookie. There was no way he was going to leave him alone.

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