You did a number on me but honestly, baby who's counting?

Start from the beginning

"What?" She demanded softly when he didn't elaborate and only shook his head, eyes wide.

Jake chuckled, confusing her further but he did answer.

"What are the odds Hannah sends the number of a damn Private Investigator? They must be astronomical."

Manon relaxed slightly now she knew he wasn't reacting negatively to her.

"Well, I don't think it was an accident." Manon supplied.

Jake nodded, "I highly doubt it is. Corvin, that's your last name then?"

Manon inclined her head yes and Jake looked to the sky.

"Do you happen to know what Corvin means, Manon?"

"... Raven." Manon whispered, scared if she spoke louder that it would summon something neither of them wanted to face.

Jake smiled grimly, "The odds just flew even higher. You'll have a website then?"

Manon nodded, "Yes, but there is no personal information except the business name, PO Box address and ..." she paused, realisation stilling her tongue.

"Your phone number." Jake finished for her and all she could do was nod.

"I knew you were the key. I knew there was a reason but fuck me gently." Jake laughed, the sound rich and strong, warming her to her narrow. Manon smiled fondly as he calmed down and met her eye.

"So Hannah couldn't get help from the police so she went looking for someone that could help her but in a way that wouldn't alert the person after her?" Manon supposed, her voice contemplative and Jake shrugged a broad shoulder.

"Possibly. How did she find you though? I'm guessing there are many Private Investigators for hire online."

Manon smiled brightly, cocky now, "Oh but there are none as good as me. There isn't anything about me on my site but there are many client reviews and recommendations. I believe I am in the top 5 search results." It also helped that her name was known by most of the people that sought her out.

"And if Hannah googled the name Corvin, what would she find, Manon?" Jakes voice was rough and low, sending a bolt of trepidation through her even while it aroused her.

"She would see what it meant, maybe take it as a sign that I was the right choice." Her words were guarded, she knew if he were to Google her full name, a wealth of news articles would pop up and he'd learn of everything she wasn't ready to tell him. It shocked her he hadn't already done so or if he had, he had an incredible poker face.

Jakes eyes were relentless in their watch of her, seeing too much.

"Not only that though." He stated plainly and Manon stiffened slightly.

"No, there are other things too." Her tone was flat, despondent and a spark caught in Jake's eyes as he saw her hesitation.

"You're not going to explain that are you?"

Manon shook her head.

"Not yet. I will when I'm ready to open that particular vault of horrors but please don't go looking yourself. I will tell you, just not tonight." She was pleading and desperate to end this strand of conversation, Jakes face softened in the face of her worry.

"I would never do that to you, Manon. Please tell me you know that?" Now he was the one pleading with her and she felt the tension drain from her body when his hand searched for hers, pulling it to his mouth to kiss the back of it. Manon let out a shaky breath.

Marked Me Like a Bloodstain - 18+Where stories live. Discover now