Ch.16: Back to Normal.

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Song: Fly By Night - Lucian ft. Noé

Yuzu walks through the hall of the school and stops in front (Y/n)'s classroom seeing him on the middle of class. There were multiple things written in the board with arrows connecting all the words, (Y/n) had a marker on his hand while pointing at the final word written on the board.

"...and this is why, Hagrid is the best character of the Harry Potter's saga" he turns to look at his students that seemed too deep on his explanation "I know that I'm always open to your ideas but this is where I put my foot down and there's no discussion against it, understood?"

The students nod "Yes sir"

The bell rings indicating the start of the break, Yuzu walks to the side of the door letting the entrance open to let the students exit.

"Don't forget to bring the report of your favorite book for the next class and for the love of whoever you believe, try to not take it from the internet and if you do at least make it look like you didn't do it and erase the links that comes with copy and paste of the texts"

The students laugh while exiting the classroom.

Once the classroom was almost empty, Yuzu enters into the classroom seeing the professor packing his things.

"How did it go?" Yuzu asks.

"I needed this break..." he smiles while grabbing the eraser and erasing the things that he wrote in the board "I missed them and they said that they missed me but I'm sure that they said it because they wanted free time"

Yuzu chuckles "Would you like to go to the Cat Café? I'll buy you chocolate and as many slices of cakes as you want"

"You are going to regret that" he chuckles and grabs his bag exiting the classroom with the professor next to him.


"So... how did it go?" (Y/n) asks him while looking down and petting at the cat sleeping on his lap.

"It went as expected... he refused it but at least he is notified about it and he has the papers now..."

"Good, good" he nods and grabs the cup of chocolate drinking it "Once this is over I think I might start going to knitting classes or something to keep my mind occupied from the darks thoughts that run over all over the place insisting me to steal this kitty from the café and start working on my plans to take over the world"

Yuzu smiles at him and shakes his head "I get it... I'm going to accompany you if you need me"

"Thank you... if I hadn't this kitty on my lap, I would get up and hug you"

Yuzu looks at the kitty on his lap feeling a little jealous of the purring animal that rested its head on his hand.

"Why don't we adopt one? There's a shelter a couple blocks away from the school"

"Adopt one?" he looks up at him with hopeful eyes "I-I guess that I can be happier with a little kitty or a puppy... even with a little bunny... now I want the three of them"

Yuzu chuckles "We should start with one at the time..."

"We..." he repeats lowly "You sound like you want to spend more time with me"

"I do... is that something bad?"

"That depends... how long do you want me to hang around you?"

"Why is that relevant?"

"Because I'm getting attached to you... and once you decided that you don't want me around anymore I'm going to go back to being a heartbroken sloth but at least this time I might have a cat, a dog and a couple of bunnies so it might not be too bad after all"

"Don't do this to yourself... stop overthinking situations where everyone hates you by the end of the end"

"Too late... overthinking situations is my special ability"

"I will never hate you, (Y/n), I plan to accompany you until you don't want me around... and even after that, I don't plan to get away from you that easily, I'm attached to you too and I'm going to make sure that you won't suffer anymore even if I have to stay glued by your side each second of your life..."

(Y/n) giggles and places his hand on the table "Will you hold my hand every time that I needed it?"

Yuzu holds his hand caressing his knuckles with his thumb "I'll hold you every time that you need me" he lifts his hand and kisses it.

"Thanks..." he holds his hand and looks at the clock on his phone "I should go back, I have one more class before finishing for the day" he looks back at his eyes "What will you do?"

"I'm going back too... I have to mark some tests for tomorrow and update my schedule for the semester then we can go home together and..."

"Oh, the dinner, right?" he tilts his head.

"Yes... I mean, if you are still up to it, of course" he places the money on the table and stands up holding his hand.

"Of course, it's been so long since the last time I go out..." he kisses the head of the cat before putting him down on the floor "See you soon, Tom" he stands up holding his hand.

They make their way to the exit. Once outside, they walk towards the school.

"You know that we shouldn't enter into the school holding hands... otherwise the students would get weird about this..." (Y/n) looks up at him.

"What do you mean by weird?"

"Weird in the way where they would start rumors about us, then the theories, if it gets more intense, then they will write fan-fictions about us and then the drawings and it'll never go down..."

"And that's bad because..."

(Y/n) stops on his tracks and looks at him "You are funny" he chuckles and keeps walking while holding his hand.

Yuzu smiles at him and walks by his side.

"So... where would you like to go out tonight?"

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