Ch.5: His Attention.

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Song: R U Mine? - Artic Monkeys.

Hajime wakes up the next day with an horrible headache.

Groaning, he sits up seeing a bottle of water and a pill on his nightstand with a little note.

‘Morning, Love ♥’

He smiles at the kindness of his husband and reaches his hand to grab the bottle, however, he feels an stinging pain on his back. As if a cat scratched his back all night long.

He takes the pill and drinks the water to start his morning routine.

Today is Saturday so they didn’t have to go to work. Hajime enters to their shared office with two cups of coffee on his hand. Immediately, he sees his husband on his desk reviewing the homework of his students.

“Morning to you too, handsome” Hajime walks to his husband placing the cup on his desk “So… last night...”

(Y/n) looks up at his husband “You want to talk about last night?” he raises an eyebrow and pulls down a little the collar of his shirt a showing the bite marks all over his neck and chest.

Hajime groans and drinks his coffee “Did that bastard take advantage of you?”

(Y/n) giggles hearing him taking about his drunk self like if they were different people.

“Yes, he also told me to tell you that he is a better lover than you” he takes a sip of his coffee.

Hajime chuckles and rolls his eyes “I’m going to kill him the next time I see him” he leans down and kisses him.

He smiles and kisses him back.

“What if I make it up to you?” Hajime mutters on his lips “Let’s go to the mall, we can get to know the city”

“Why not spending the day here? A Lazy Saturday” he smiles at him “Since my knees are still a little purple from yesterday”

“Wait, what?” he pulls his desk chair back and looked at his knees “Seriously, I’m going to kill him”

He chuckles and shakes his head “He says the same things about you”

He groans and hugs him “(Y/n), let’s go on a date, you’ll enjoy your time with me”

“Are you trying to compete with yourself?” he drinks the coffee.

“Maybe…” he holds his hand where the ring was “After all… I gave you this ring, not him”

(Y/n) chuckles while rolling his eyes “Okay, sure. Let’s go out”

Hajime smiles and kisses him “You won’t regret it”


While walking down the mall, (Y/n) stops suddenly and Hajime looks at him.

“What’s the matter?”

“Hajime…” he pulls the arm of his husband “Hajime, look how big that bookstore is”

Hajime looks at the bookstore and then back at his husband that seemed like a small child seeing a candy store.

“Can we go, darling?”

Hajime chuckles and nods “Are you happy that we decided to go out?”

“Yes, yes…”

“I’m better than drunk Hajime, right?”

(Y/n) pouts “Hajime…”

“Yes, I am” he pokes the tip of his nose “Let’s go…”

They walk into the bookstore, and (Y/n) starts dragging him around the place.

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