Ch.2: Discipline.

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Song: my strange addction - billie eilish.

Yuzu was on his free period, he knows he should be grading his student’s test but curiosity took the best of him as he walks down to the hallways and sees from the little crack of the door what kind of methods (Y/n) uses to teach.

“Alright class” (Y/n) calls the attention of the students “You have one minute to make your questions” he looks at his watch “Starting… now”

All the students raised their hands almost immediately as (Y/n) choose one student at the time.

“When did you start teaching?”

“Three years ago”

“For how long have you been married?”

“My husband and I are going to have our first anniversary in a week”


“Favorite food”


“Can I be your mistress?”


“What happened to our last literature teacher?”

“I killed him to get the job… No, sorry, he just retired”

The class laughed and keep raising their hands.

“Sadly enough, the minute just ended… I was hoping you’ll ask questions about the subject”

Another student raises his hand.

“Can we have a love story like Romeo and Juliet?” he winks at him.

(Y/n) laughs and shakes his head “I don’t think that there’s a worse love story than the story of Romeo and Juliet… where two pre-teenagers ‘fall in love’ and it only lasted three days including that many people died from that”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes, we will get to Shakespeare and his weird obsession to kill his main characters on all his stories later, right now we will talk about Japanese Tragic Literature… Can someone tell me some tragic thing that has ever happen to you?”

“I failed many exams”

“I forgot the keys of my house inside of it and I had to sleep outside until my dad came in the morning”

“My hamster Pickles ran away”

“I forgot to take the chicken outside the fridge like my mom ask me to do”

The students laughs as well as the teacher.

“Great, now that everybody knows about the pain of tragedies, in these next classes we will talk about Osamu Dazai’s book ‘Ningen Shikkaku’ or better known as ‘No longer Human’. This book talks about the tragic life of Ōba Yōzō narrated on notebooks from our protagonist, it’s common belief that No longer Human is Dazai’s suicide letter since he killed himself after the book was published”

“Holy shit” they mutter.

“Now I feel like an idiot for saying that my hamster’s disappearance is the most tragic story of my life”

“Oh no” the teacher looks at her “Everyone of us have our own struggles, just because they are different doesn’t mean that yours struggles are less than others. They will never understand how hurtful is losing your dear Pickles and it’s okay being sad about that”

The girl blushed at his words and looks down at her desk “T-Thank you, sensei”

“No problem” he looks at the class “Now, I’ll start reading the first Memorandum, feel free to ask me any question if you don’t understand something”

(Y/n) starts reading, his soothing voice made everyone on the class have a crush on the new teacher. Yuzu couldn’t help but stare directly at the man as he leans on the desk to read at the class, there was something on him that Yuzu couldn’t put his finger on, he wanted to become closer to the other male.

Taking a deep breath, he takes a step away from the door and walks towards the teacher’s office to keep doing his work.


During lunch break, the halls were filled with students talking about the new teacher. (Y/n) greeted the other students as he walked to the teacher’s room. Once inside, the female teacher walked up to him almost immediately to meet him.

Yuzu watched with envy eyes as (Y/n) acted friendly with the drooling teachers. He didn’t understand why he was feeling jealous, looking down at his student’s homework, he listens every word that he says. He never thought that a man would make him act like a teenager schoolgirl.

“Watanabe-san” he hears a voice in front of him.

Looking up he sees the kind smile Kazama (Y/n).

“Would you mind if I sit here with you, Watanabe-san? I wanted to make you some questions about the classroom that we share”

Yuzu looked at his eyes and nods as (Y/n) sits in front of him, Yuzu could feel the sweet cologne from him.

“The director said that the class tended to act… rebellious but they seem to respect you. How do you do it?”

“Discipline” he looks at his eyes “I like having things going under my control and I know exactly what to do to accomplish it”

“Discipline” he mutters “I’ve never been good that”

“Some people are disciplinarians and others are meant to be disciplined”

“Kinky” he chuckles.

“Excuse me?” he raises an eyebrow.

He stops laughing and clears his throat “I’m sorry, sir”

Yuzu smirks lightly as a dangerous glint flashes his eyes.

Before he could talk to him, (Y/n)’s phone starts ringing.

(Y/n) grabs his phone and answer the call.

“Hi, love. I just wanted to check if you are eating lunch, I didn’t see you take a bento with you this morning”

“Don’t worry about it” he looks down at his lunch “I just bought one in a store nearby”

“Good, I’m glad to hear you… the day just started and it’s already a nightmare” he sighs.

“Oh… You want to talk about it?”

“Maybe at home… I have work to do”

“I understand… please take care”

“You too, I love you”

“I love you too”

(Y/n) puts the phone back into his pocket and looks at the man in front of him.

“Kazama (Y/n), it’s ill-mannered to use your phone during lunch”

(Y/n) chuckles and looks at him on the eyes with the playful look that Yuzu was starting to love.

“Watanabe Yuzu, I already told you that I have a problem with discipline”

The bell rang as (Y/n) stands up “Well, better get to my other class. See you soon, Watanabe-san” he grabs the bento box and exits the room with Yuzu looking every step that he made.

He didn’t know what attract him more about the new teacher. Part of him tells him that it’s the playfulness that he wanted to discipline so hard but the other part tells him that the idea that he’s a married man makes it more exiting.

Whatever thing it is, he’ll find out soon. Standing up from his seat, he grabs his papers and walks towards his next class.

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