Sick!Bobble-hat x Mask

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Mask's P.O.V
His thoughts will be in italics

"Hey Bobble-hat, everyone came to see you!" Goggles exclaimed loudly as usual.

"Really? Wow that's so ni- *cough* nice of you guys!" Bobble replied... but she didn't seem like herself. Obviously because she was sick.

"Of course it's no problem, you should rest though Bobble," Everyone seemed more odd than usual, maybe cause they would never expect this, at least I thought they would...

"But im fine *cough* its only a small cold," Why is it that everyone says that but it's not true?

"But you never know it become worse fatser than you think, resting is the best solution trust me," You jinxed it morron

"Oh... okay!"

"Goggles, Headphones and Mask you should stay with Bobble to keep her company-"Army commanded Wait what?

"Why do I have to stay?" I mean I don't mind too much, Bobble is sick after all..

"You have other plans?" Army questioned he gave me look that I know too well which was the 'let me hook you up.' Sometimes I hate this guy.

"No? But anyone else could stay, so why me," Taking care of someone takes effort and I don't have that right now

"Because Mask you have to take care of your girlfriend" Aloha teased ...What?

"She isnt my girlfriend"

"Is what they all say"

"Aloha shut up," Army said tiredly So now he's on my side


"I win!" Bobble-hat screamed happily

"Ahhh, Cod dammit," I hate this game

"You're really good at this game Bobble-hat, wanna play again?" Headphones asked Please no

"No I'm fine" Thank god-

---"Hey sorry to interrupt but we need ur help" Skull came in unexpectedly Oh really?

"Oh okay who do you need?" Headphones questioned

"Only you Goggles and Headphones, apparently" Skull recited as if he was remembering a script

"Alright I'll stay with Bobble then" I really hope we don't have to play this again

The others left. I thought about how I could start a conversation with her while the others were gone. To make sure she knows I don't mind being with her.

"So you only have a cold?" This is going terribly


"But you've been like this for awhile trying to cover it up, so what's the real reason?"

Bobble might be able to fool the others but she can't fool me. It was very obvious to a point I think everyone is extremely dumb like Goggles-dumb

"What do you mean? If it was something else I would tell you" She wouldn't

"You wouldn't because you don't want to upset me... Please Bobble tell me what it is everyone else seems to know-"

It may have not been true but it seemed to me that everyone knew and I was the odd one out..

"They don't I don't want to tell them because I'm scared..."

"...Of what?" I was getting worried about her but more curious and frustrated

"I don't want to loose them and I don't want them to be upset because of me... That's why I've been avoiding this."

"I'm sorry- Bobble?"

She was crying.... She was crying.

"Are..." Of course she's not okay stupid She's crying

I don't know what happened after that moment. I remember her crying and it breaking my heart as if I was about to cry. It was almost as if it were some sort of instinct. I had no idea I was doing it but I was.

I hugged her gently as she held me tightly. I rubbed her back as she slowly calmed down. I removed my mask and broke our hug so she could look at me.

"You can't tell anyone about this,"

"About what?"

"How much I love you, it will be our secret."

"But what if they find out?"

"Then I guess we'll have to bribe them to not be quiet about it,"

"And I they don't?"

"Hey, you're supposed to be sad not bombarded me with questions, huh Bobble?"

Which made her smile a bit. Not her genuine normal smiles. A special one that I don't think I'll forget...

But why am I telling you this? Well because after I paid for the treatment that she couldn't afford everything went peachy happily ever after. Or at least I thought.

"It's this way" Bobbles quietly said Why was she whispering instead of shouting like the lovely lunatic she is?

"Where are we even going?" I questioned

"It's a secret" Wherever we were going it seemed spookish. We carried on walking until we got to this single blossom tree surrounded be lots of other normal oak trees.

"Here, look"

"...What? But you're right here"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are I can see you, touch and love you"

"You can't touch me or see me it's all in your head"


"You need to forget me Mask"

"I died 5 years ago"

Word count: 816

A.N: I have no idea why this seems kinda sassy when it's supposed to be sad. Anyway hope yall are good. I'll be rewriting this book when I can be bothered as it's giving real cringe vibes lol.

Still bursting your bubble,


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