Shy Goggles x Reader

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{A box at my door? Who is it from?}

Was the first thing that came to mind. It was a normal brown box but it didn't have a return address on it. Only your address and your name. You opened the medium box to find a present and a card. It was kind of weird to be getting mysterious mail because it wasn't a holiday or your birthday. But since the box was for you, you opened it without much hesitation. Inside there was a present. Inside that was another smaller box that had a necklace and the necklace said your name. Then after admiring the necklace you put it on. Then you opened card and it read:

Dear Y/N,

You're a very kind and amazing person that has lots of determination. I gave you this necklace to show that I love you and I hope you keep smiling because it looks beautiful, which makes my day!

From your Secret Admirer.

You had a secret admirer? Who could it be? like someone else so would it be rude to cut them off straight away? But then again you don't know if your crush even likes you. After all these thoughts coming through your head you decided to find out the secret admirer was then after you would confess to your crush and if they rejected you then at least you had one person who liked you. But then again the secret admirer could be your crush. bUt ThAtS eXtReMeLy UnLiKeLy. 

One letter and you felt like your brain was about to explode. So before that happened you decided to call it a day and go to bed.

*The Next Morning*

You woke up feeling amazing which is kind of unusual because you normally felt sluggish in the morning, the reason being; you were still trying to connect with reality. So you jumped up, changed and ran out of your house to the plaza.

When you got there you went to Mr. Sean's food truck to get something to eat to start your day. Then while you were sitting down at a table eating your food and scrolling through social media you heard a familiar voice call your name. You looked up and saw it was Headphones.

Y/N: "Hey Headphones!"

Headphones: "Hey, Y/N-chan. Wow that's a nice necklace your wearing, where did you get it from?"

"It was given to me. Yesterday I found a package with my name on it and there was this necklace. Apparently from my secret admirer,"

"You have a secret admirer? That's cool"

"Yea it kind of is. Hey, where's your team?"

"Oh they went to do a Salmon Run with Emperor so he took my place"

"Oh okay, at least we can talk for a while before they come back"

Then for a little while you and Headphones were just talking about life and catching up with each other about what's been going on. However at times she would steer the conversion to the necklace. You thought it was weird at first but then you realise she might just be intrigued. Then the rest of Team Blue had come back and you were all talking and laughing. Then at some point Headphones said that she and Bobble were going to the bathroom. So they walked off. Then Specs said he was going to get a drink since all that laughing has made his mouth dry. Then it was just you and Goggles.

*Flash Back*

Remember when I said you had a crush on someone? Yeah that was Goggles. You started realising you had a crush on him when you were younger and you were at the park with your mum. She was talking to a few of the grown ups while you were busy running around and playing with children that were their. You should have been more careful about running about running about because you had fallen a down and had hurt yourself. You started crying and that was when Goggles came over to see if you were alright. He had managed to calm you down and "kissed it better". Then he helped you up. To thank him you gave him a great big hug and then you two started playing together. In the sand pit, the swings and the seesaw. There was a moment where you wanted to go down a slide because you thought it was fun but you wanted to go down with Goggles so he held your hand and you went down the slide together and it was lots of fun. Then at that moment when you were both laughing your realisation that he was the bestest friend in the world so after some begging you two would always play together nearly everyday. When you got a little older you realised you had a crush on him but it wasn't a big deal at first until you couldn't deny it any more.

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