⫽Army x ϐlind Reader⫻

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You were with your friends at a tournament and your teammates. Even though you knew you wouldn't win you still wanted to try to see how far you could go. But it didn't even matter because after the first match you had got hit in the head by Skull's E-litre, ow! All you remember  is Skull turning around as quick as lightning because Goggles had pulled down his pants.

Then you went into darkness. When you woke up you weren't quite sure if you were actually awake since you could still only see darkness.


???: "Hey, you okay?"

Worry was really clear in your voice "Wh-Whose that and where am I?"

"It's only me and we're in the hospital"

"Me, doesn't tell me who you are!"

Army: "Y/N, calm down it's only Egging. So how are you feeling?"

"If you mean feeling like someone ran me over and then reversed to see if I was okay then yeah, I feel great!"

"Still got your sense of humour I see"

"Well I'm happy you can see N-pacer but I can't see"

"So you recognise N-pacer's voice but not mine!?"  said an annoyed voice

"Well I do now since you are annoyed and I only N-pacer's voice cause in every sentence she always has a hint of sarcasm"

"I'll try not to take that as a insult"

You smiled.. Well you were hoping you were smiling "Who else is in here or is it just you 3"

Army: "It's just us but the others left because the maximum amount of people aloud in here over night is 3"

"Oh, okay!"

N-pacer: "What did you mean by you can't see?"

You sat up "I mean like a can't see anything. It's all most like the sun has disappeared and the whole world is in darkness... Will I be aloud out?"

Egging: "Not sure"

N-pacer: "I'll go check with the doctor"

Then you heard footstep near you get quieter and quieter.

"I don't like this,"

Egging: "Don't like what?"

"Of only hearing and not seeing. I personally think it would be better if I could see"

Army: "Really, how come?"

"Because seeing things is basically more safe because then I know what's around me and I don't hurt myself more. Also I can't see rainbows or butterflies because I've lost my sight"

Army: "Guess you've got a point but not about the rainbows and butterflies because that's mostly your opinion"

That was when you heard two pairs of feet coming closer and closer.

N-pacer: "I'm back with the doctor"

Doc: "She'll be fine. We just need to run a few tests to check her health and then she'll be out of here"

After a while of having an interesting conversations with the doctor and doing whatever he said to do to check your health he told you that you were perfectly fine and he was going to tell the others but what you didn't know is that the doctor cares for all his patients and knew you wouldn't be able to handle the real news. So when the doctor went to the others he did say you were in perfect health but you had gone blind and there was no cure because everything inside your brain and inside your eyes were completely fine so there was nothing to fix and that he sadly couldn't anything about you being blind. You would just have to have a miracle where you can see again. He obviously told them not to tell you even though he knew you were a strong person that it just wasn't the right time. So when they came in you said "So where are we going" with a big grin from ear to ear. They were extremely sorry for you and almost blew their cover by almost telling you everything so they took you to all your favourite places.

You went on rollercoasters, a spa and other places that you would enjoy then to end the day they took out to some of your favourite restaurants and acted as if nothing was wrong because you thought nothing was wrong. 

Since they knew you house was kind of far they took you to Army's house and let you stay there for the night. N-pacer being the person she is gave you some of the clothes that she brought so that you would be wearing something comfortable. Then when Army asked you what you wanted to do you decided on one of your favourite movie of all time because you knew what was happening and knew all the lines. Although Army thought the movie was cheesy and a waste of time he still watched it with you . Even at times when he didn't understand what is going on he would ask you and you would know the answer instantly. Then Army got a call and had to leave the room. Because you were so curious what the call was about you felt around the room until you got to the door and listened in,

Caller: "Is she okay?"

Army: "Yea she's fine. She's watching a movie, well sort of,"

Caller: "Okay so what did the doctor say?"

Army: "They said that her healthy was completely fine but she might not be able to see ever again,"

You were extremely shocked to hear this. You thought you were fine? The doctor said you were in perfect health and that in a few weeks you would see again.. Unless he wasn't telling you everything. You carried on listening on to the conversation,

"The doctors said it would be an absolute miracle if she can see again

Caller: "That's such a big shame. Does she know?"

Army: "No, the doctors told her that it would be a little while until she can see again"

Tears were rolling down your face, you were so upset so you found yourself ack at the couch watching/listening to the movie. Then Army came in but by then you had wiped off your tears and acted like nothing happened. You him told him what he missed and you carried on watching the movie until Army thought it was late and suggested to go to bed. You agreed and you both went up the stairs after Army left you in your bedroom all tucked in as soon as he left the room you started crying. A little later he came into the room just to check on you to if you were asleep. You weren't as soon as he realised that you were crying he rushed over and asked if you were okay.

You told him about how you over heard him on the phone talking to someone and you heard everything he then just cuddled you for a while and said "Although I don't believe in miracles I still think there's hope that one will happen". Then you fell asleep in his arms.

Everyday after that night you always had hope that one day you would be able to see again because you knew that your best friends were always there for you.

And when that day came you shared that moment with someone special to you since you had started this unfortunate months he was always there and his love for you.

Word count: 1180.

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