♪{Rider x reader}♪

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You were leaving your home town and going to Inkopolis. The move is going to be hard saying all the good-byes to your loved ones and friends but you had to leave to start you own life with a piece of advise your grandmother had told you when you were young.

"Be tough like a rock to a drifter but as pretty as a flower to those who are in bloom as well as absolute"

What that meant you don't know (and neither do I) but you promised her with all your heart you would always remember this. The only person you were bringing was your 5 year old brother, Javi. That had to come because of family issues which is a good thing because he wouldn't stop complaining that he wanted to come.

Arrival to Inkopolis

You looked up at the apartment with a grin plastered on your face, excited about what could occur in the future. You looked at your little brother (he seemed a little nervous) so being the big sis you are you gave him a reassuring smile and said "Hey, it'll be fine, okay."

Javi: "Yea, I know it's just that...I miss mum and dad"

Y/N: "Yea, I miss them too. But this will be fun, I promise. Now come on let's go!"

You both ran up the flight of stairs to your apartment door and unlocked it. As soon as you got in you dropped your bags and catapulted to the couch.

Javi: "Y'know sis we should really unpack...and close the door"

Y/N: "Later, I'm extremely tired after that flight and all I want to do is rest,"

Javi: "Not trying to be paranoid but what if some comes in and tries to steal from us?"

Y/N: "That is very, very unlikely Javi"

Hot boi1: "He's right you know, someone could try and steal from you"

You slightly lifted your head to see 3 inklings at the door.

Y/N: "Well are you the someones because if you are your doing a very bad job"

Hot boi1: "We're not but we could be lying"

You rolled your eyes. Y/N: "Well then if you are then Karma is a bitch and if you come anywhere near my stuff, I will WOOP YOUR ASS"

Hot boi2: "Calm down we're not going to do anything"

You looked at them up and down then said "Well that's true, you guys seem like the nerdy type"

Hot boi3: "Hey! We're not nerds"

Y/N: "Well you're not a nerd cause your not wearing glasses but your friends might be"

Javi: "Y/N, this is the exact thing mum was talking about you always judge people by there looks and never find out what kind of person they are"

Y/N: "Okay so maybe I shouldn't judge people but if they're not here to steal from us then why the hell are they here?"

Hot boi1: "We were going to Inkopolis when we were coming past your door and over heard your conversation"

Splatoon OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora