Army x Reader

481 13 8

This was requested by TheApple64.
Hope you like it!

You had been invited to a sleepover at Army's house. Which was lots of fun (when Army wasn't stuffing his face in his manual). You guys played a few video games and ate lots of popcorn. You also managed to get Army to have a pillow fight with you because you annoyed him. You watched movies, acted like idiots and shouted stupid things out the window and ate more popcorn. You played tag, did a puzzle and ate more popcorn. So I think you get the idea that all you you did that evening was eat popcorn. But you had an amazing time.

But the next day you woke up to a raccoon bitch asking you to dance- I mean you woke up to the sound of rain. When you opened the curtain you saw it was hail and it was coming down hard. You changed into some spare clothes you had in your bag and went downstairs.


"Good morning to you as well Y/N. How did you sleep?"

"I slept well"

"There's cereal in the cuboard and other food in the pantry. You can help yourself,"

"Thank you" You made some chocolate cereal and sausages and went to the living room to eat.

"Cereal and sausages, really?"

"Yes, really. It's the greatest combination known to inklings!"

"More like the weirdest"

You had weird taste buds so you ate weird food combos. You never ate what goes together, you just ate what you fancied.

(A.N: It's not cereal with sausages inside you weirdos -)

"I'll be in my room if you need me" Army said as you switched on the TV to watch SpongeBob.

After you had finished eating and was still watching SpongeBob, the Tv turned off. You tried turning it on but it wouldn't work. So you went upstairs and barged into Army's room. "So much for being in your room" You muttered as he wasn't there so you decided to wait until he comes. But your a curious person so you were looking around when you spotted his manual. Obviously you opened it and flicked through until you got to a certain page that was titled: ❤Information about Y/N❤. It even had hearts around it. So you read through the paragraphs of information and started to get worried. He knew every single tiny intricate detail from hair to personality to clothes. You were that worried that you didn't realise that he had came in the room so when he tapped your shoulder you screamed.

"Are you okay?" You stared at him "Why do you have my manual?" You dropped it and pushed past him as you ran out the room into "your" room. You didn't exactly know what to do but the one thing that you wanted to do was get out of here. You thought you knew Army like that back of your hand but apparently it was the other way round. You packed your stuff into your bag and was going to bolt out of Army's house when you bumped into the man himself.

"Y/N, are you okay? Your acting strange.."

"Me? Oh, I'm fine." You said as you tried to get past but he blocked the door.

"Then why are you leaving in a hurry, you do realise that it is still raining."

"Oh yea, I'm just putting my stuff downstairs so when it stops I can just go."

It was obvious that he didn't believe you as he slightly pushed you inside the room. Then he locked the door and looked at you angrily.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Why are you writing every single tiny detail about me!?"

He changed his expression quickly from anger to shock and then to a vacant stare.

"So that's why your like this?"

You nodded. "I read your manual.."

He then came up to you and kissed you. It was soft and tender as he put his hand in your hair. He then broke the kiss and said "Y/N, if I asked you out on a date and first we would go to the movies and then after get some ice-cream would you say yes?"

You thought for a moment before replying "Yes, but-"

"I wrote things about you because I wanted to know your favourite places and things you like. I know it might seem creepy-"

You then kissed him while putting your Arms around his neck. Then when the kiss broke you said "That's all I need to know" You two then stared in each others eyes and in unison said "I love you"

The End
To ruin the ending >:)

"Hey, Army"


"The TV switched off while I was watching SpongeBob"

"Seriously Y/N?"

"Yea, can you fix it?"

"Sure let my just ask Patrick if he can give me a talking worm"

"...Is that a no?"

"Y/N remind me to write in my manual that you have the brain of a two year old"


Word count: 843.

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