CHAPTER 4 : Unexpected Requests :

Start from the beginning

Two days later, Ashton and Chris both are in the dining table, having their breakfast when Chris makes an unexpected requests to him, he says, "daddy...I want to meet Ms. Elizabeth. ..please. ..can you take me to your office??? I promise...I will be a good boy..." Ashton's jaw becomes harder in anger, he doesn't want to take him again. Seeing him like this, Mrs. Benet tries to calm him down, she badly wants to get him married. She says, "Ash..can I say something??? If you don't mind " Ashton can't ignore her so he nods his head in agreement. Mrs. Benet continues,  "take him with you...atleast he can spend some time with her... I'm requesting you..." Ashton now has no other option but to agree. He looks at her and says, " you wish..." Then they both heads towards his office.

Elizabeth is doing her works when suddenly Ms. Maria calls her to her cabin. She goes to her when she tells her that Ashton is looking for her. After hearing about his past life, Elizabeth cannot blame him completely about his behavior. She goes to his office.  When she enters she notices Chris. She gets happy instantly after seeing him. Chris hugs her legs while giggling. She tilts her head up to Ashton and quietly asks him, " are looking for me ????" Ashton hesitantly says, "actually he was....he wanted to meet i thought. .." Ashton cannot complete his sentence when Elizabeth excitedly replies,  "amazing...i was also missing him badly...but's 12.30...i still have so many works to do..." Inspite of his age, Chris is matured enough, it's because of his situation, raising up without a mother and also having a cold father who is never being able to give him time. Chris smiles, "it's ok Miss..i will wait here..." Elizabeth bends down in his height, cups his face with her both hands and smiles while saying, "my boy is so good...i will feed you in my lunch time...okay?? Till then play games here..." Saying this she hands him her own tablet and takes her leave.

Seeing her motherly nature, Ashton is also surprised. He never thought that a young aged girl like her can has a perfect motherly nature, where as , in this same age, other girls are busy to live their full life in parties, boyfriends, one night stands, expensive lifestyle bla bla bla. Ashton himself meets these types of girls everywhere everyday who tries to flirt with him, to make love with him, give him seductive looks. But in other hand, Elizabeth is a completely an Innocent person. In some corner of his heart,  Ashton also wants her to be with his son always because he loves to see Chris's happy face when he is with Elizabeth.

In the lunch time,  Elizabeth and Chris enjoys a lot with together. They both become so much happy.

It is almost 7pm, when they are about to leave the office, where Elizabeth is holding Chris's hands and Ashton  is a little bit distance infront of them. He is going to grab his car when suddenly Chris leaves her hand and runs towards Ashton. Ashton doesn't notice it but Elizabeth notices a car which is coming infront of Chris with it's full speed. Elizabeth's eyes become widen in shock.  She quickly runs to him and turns him aside but unfortunately she looses her balance and falls on the ground harshly. Ashton is also shocked. He quickly runs to her when he sees that her elbow is bleeding badly. Blood is dropping from the wound. But to his surprise, she asks about Chris, "where is Chris he okay...???" Ashton didn't expect this from her, she have to be concerned about her wounds but she is busy to see if Chris gets hurt or not, just like a typical mother.  After assuring herself that the child is fine, Elizabeth gives a relief sigh and starts to get up from the ground. But unfortunately she fails and about to fall but Ashton holds her by her waist. He softly says, "are you okay???" Elizabeth groans in pain, she hisses but doesn't utter a word. Ashton irritatingly asks her again, "can't you hear me Ms. William??? Are you okay ???" She replies while closing her eyes, "it's hurting...I think i twisted my left anklet..." Ashton worriedly asks her, "can you walk ???" Elizabeth just nods her head side by side to say as a no. Ashton doesn't waste his time,  he orders Sam to get Chris inside the car where he carries her in his arms. Elizabeth just for some times gets shocked, her heart beat stops for some moments, then it's started to beat faster like it can burst out of her chest in anytime. She unconsciously wraps her hands around his neck. His face is just some inches away from her. She can see his sharp jawline, ocean blue eyes, sharp nose and medium sized maroonish lips.

He gently places her in the passenger sit where Chris is already sitting on the side.  Chris stares at her in worried eyes, Elizabeth can also see some tears in his eyes. She tries to console him, "hey my boy...I'm ok...nothing happened...." Meanwhile Ashton ties his handkerchief gently in her elbow to prevent the blood. Then he sits in the front sit and orders Sam to take them to the hospital. As soon as Elizabeth hears the word hospital she begins to panic, "sir...please need to go to the hospital...sir please..." Ashton finds some childish nature in her voice, he thinks himself that how can someone be so stupid to avoid her own injuries. Ashton coldly replies to her, "you are going to the hospital...and that's final...." In the same time, Anna calls Ashton and he tells her everything. Anna herself insists him to come in the hospital and he tells Sam to drop Chris in his mansion.

Ashton can see Elizabeth's panic in the hospital, she keeps pleading him to not take her there but Ashton doesn't pay her much attention. After her treatment, Ashton notices Anna outside the hospital, she tells him, "Ash...I will drop her. ..i have something to ask her..." Ashton knows already what she is going to discuss with Elizabeth. Because when she first told him about her intentions, at the same day in the bar, Cam and Braen were also telling him the same thing. He knew that it was Anna who told his friends to convince him about the marriage. Deep inside, he also knows that how much she cares for Chris. He carries her again to Anna's car and they drive towards her apartment.

Anna and Elizabeth are all alone in the car when Anna asks her, "Elle...i have something to ask you for a really long time...i don't know how will you react...but..." Elizabeth stops her and says while laughing, "are you asking for my permission???? Come on Anna...just say it..." Anna hesitantly smiles and asks her, "I'm going straight to the point... Elle.. can you marry Ash...??" This words are enough to shake her. Elizabeth widens her eyes and shocking replies,  "what ???? Are you out of your mind Anna????" Anna sighs, "please are my only hope now...i can't see them like this... you love Chris...then can't you do this for the sake of the little child ??? you are facing the same problem still now...a life without a understand what a life is without a mother. ..i have also faced the same...i don't want to give Chris the same life like us....please Elle...please. ..I'm begging you..." while saying this Anna is sobbing hard, she is holding Elizabeth's hands tightly, she can feel the helplessness of her. She says, "Anna...i know that...but still... sir will never agree...and..." Suddenly someone's thought comes to her mind, she can't leave her like this, afterall she is doing this hard to give her both the good lavished life. But now she is also becoming so much attached to Chris which she can't deny to herself,  she sees him like her own child. But this is also true that Ashton and she are from a complete different poles; their thought process,  thinking, lifestyles, looks, social status are completely different. They can't be together. If they accept to marry eachother then people cannot accept her as his wife, she cannot even blame them, how can someone accept a normal ordinary orphan girl like her with a dashing handsome billionaire businessman like Ashton who is almost 10 years older than her. It's like a mission impossible. Her thinking is interrupted by Anna, "if he accepts you then ??? Will you agree ???" Elizabeth is now frustrated, she can't leave her nor Chris. What should she do now. She calmly says, "Anna...give me some time please. brain is not working. .." Then she leaves the car and goes to her building.

Elizabeth is sitting on her sofa totally frustrated and confused. She is doing so hard just to make that little gitls's life better but she cannot ignore Chris too, his innocent face, his hugs, his smiles are really very important to her. She doesn't know why but she is feeling something very strong when she is with Chris. She quickly calls her principal of that orphanage where she grew up, "mother... please help me out..." while saying this she is sobbing hard, she cannot control her emotions anymore. She replies, "what happened my child ???" Elizabeth wipes her eyes and tries to control herself and tell her everything. She says, "what should I do mother ??? I can't leave her nor Chris...but i know that I have to choose any one of them...either her or Chris..." Mother calmly replies her, "'s your fate my child...that boy also needs a mother....if he finds her mother in you then you have to accept it...if she is also in your fate then you have to wait for some time...for the right time....but now god has chosen you for his have to accept it...I'm here to take care of her...don't worry my child. .." Her assurance gives Elizabeth a little bit courage, maybe Mother is right, she cannot leave Chris either, she will do anything for him just to give him his happiness again. But what about Ashton, will he accept her ??? She calls Anna, "Anna...I need to talk to sir...." Anna replies, "sure Elle....but tomorrow you need can talk to him the day after it fine ???" Elizabeth replies, "yeah its fine...thank you Anna...bye..."

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