Evan and Valiant: Roger!

We continued making our way to the elevator that leads to Ozpin's office until I sensed something and stopped

Glorious: What's wrong Evan?

Evan: ...

I held my jet caliber like a gun, turned around and ran towards a corner. after turning the corner, I fired a jet of water from my jet caliber

Neptune: AHHHH!! Water!!! Water!!! Someone save me!! I'm drowning!!

Evan: Glorious, Lexington and Valiant are taken!! Get the fuck out of my sight!!

Neptune screamed like a little girl before running away with Sun

Evan: Hmph. Glad I didn't bring Illustrious along. Don't want to imagine what those two perverts would do to her if I did. Also Neptune is scared of water huh? I'll keep that in mind

I remarked before making my way back to Glorious, Lexington and Valiant. We managed to make our way to the elevator where I pressed the button for the top floor before the elevator doors closed and the elevator went up to the top floor where Ozpin's office is located. Once we arrived we saw Ozpin himself talking to a man with black hair. This man wore a white shirt, black pants and a torn red cape. a weapon that reminds me of Cloud's Buster Sword hung behind the man's waist

Ozpin: Ah he's here

The two of them turned to face us

???: So you're the one. The commander of Vale's Navy and the leader of Team EVGL

The man focuses his attention to me

Evan: Yes that's me

Qrow: I'm Qrow. Qrow Branwen

Evan: Fleet Admiral Evan Siegfried. And this over here is Mir.

We shook hands with each other before I turned to Ozpin

Evan: Let's start this briefing

However Ozpin shook his head

Ozpin: Not yet

Lexington: Why?

Ozpin: You guys are not the only ones being briefed about this mission

Evan: Just forget about the latecomers and start the damn briefing already! My daughter's life is at stake here!!

Ozpin: I know you're anxious about Eleanor, Evan but if we are going to rescue her, we need more people as we're dealing with the Atlas Military

Evan: Tch

I don't need more people to help me rescue Eleanor. Throughout my entire Azur Lane career, my shipgirls and I faced enemies that made the Atlas Military look like mere Babies. The sirens, especially Royston, Bon Homme Richard Meta, Souryuu Meta, Hiryuu Meta and much more. I fumed as I impatiently waited for the latecomers to arrive before the elevators doors opened, revealing more people

Ruby: Evan?

Two teams along with Glynda Goodwich entered the office

Ruby: Team EVGL is back! This is the best day ever!

Pyrrha: um Ruby, I don't think now is a good time to-

Before Pyrrha could finish, Ruby dashed towards me, intending to hug me. i wind dashed out of the way, making Ruby hit the floor

Ozpin: Ouch

Pyrrha: To celebrate...

Ruby Got up and sulked before going back to her team

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