Lady GoldenHair | 𝐜𝐡.24

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The elven guard leads the fellowship to a vast fleet of soft light. The shape shifter's eyes scan it, glinting. Soon a male regal elf stepped forth, his face grave and beautiful, with no sign of age. Beside him stands a lady with hair of deep gold and timeless unsurpassed beauty. The ellon known as Celeborn speaks up, his eyes training on Aragorn. "The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Eight there are here, yet nine there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar." Tatsuo looks at Galadriel, who stands silently beside her husband. the lady of elves meets the lady of Dova and reads the answer in her eyes. "Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into Shadow."

Beside Tatsuo, Legolas spoke up; his voice tinged with new-planted sadness and guilt. "Both Shadow and flame took him. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Tatsuo sighs, her teardrop gems beside her eyes glint in sadness at the memory of her old friend. Celeborn sighs, sadden by the fact of the wizard's fall. His wife speaks again, "Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose." her eyes survey the faces of the fellowship. Gimli looks up as the elven lady addresses him "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart Gimli, son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of peril, and in all lands, love is now mingled with grief." her gaze meets Boromir's who suddenly has a y fearful and nervous about him. The only female in the fellowship frowns and glances at her friend as he looks away from Galadriel's piercing eyes.

"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all... Yet hope remains while the company is true." Galadriel says as her gaze strays to Sam, who looks up at her. then they find the orbs of the lady whose power remains unsaid and hidden. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil." Galadriel's eyes sway over to frodo, and Tatsuo hears her voice fade into his mind. "Tonight, you will sleep in peace." she looks at Galadriel hearing her soothing voice in the small hobbit's head. Welcome, Frodo of the Shire...she pauses, who has seen the eye. her voice ends at a sharp tone, and Tatsuo flinches softly. Once the lady of the elves has left Frodo's mind, the acient Dova follows him and the rest of the fellowship as they get led by Haldir.

he leads them to a pavilion set among the trees near the fountain. "here our ways part, for now, travelers," he says and walks away, leaving the fellowship to settle down. They all do so, but Tatsuo gets called by the lady of light in her mind. Come to me, Tatsuo. You and I have to talk. Tatsuo is not afraid of her old friend as she bids goodbye to her friends and sweeps away by a soft wind gust finding herself in the lady's chambers. "you called me my lady?" she said and folded her hands in front of her as the lady GoldenHair turned around smiling softly at the other lady whose power matched her own "I did. Sit down" Galadriel gestured to a char made of the tree in an increasing pattern of dragon heads and scales. Tatsuo smiled and caressed her seat, sitting gracefully down in it.

"now, I must ask why are you here, lady of Dova?" Galadriel said as she sat beside Tatsuo on her lush and soft bed. The lady of dragons sighed and twirled one of her rings on her forefinger. "I was called here by the ancient forces of the earth. The wind and the sky are my friends; the earth is my mattress. My home is in the mountain, long forgotten and hidden in the mist. My companion burns with an ever fire, one that never burns out." Tatsuo paused, reaching and taking the lady of the elves' hands in her own "you bear much power, usjalil GoldenHair. But like us all, you seek solitude. A place to stay where your power won't harm anyone..." Tatsuo trails off her cobalt eyes, searching for someone in Galadriel's pale pools. "how do you know?" the elleth asks, and the Dova smiles "my power and my soul is connected, bond to this earth. my kingdom fell, and then a bit of me did too."

A soft wind welled inside the light room, making Tatsuo's white hair flutter slightly. "the wind is speaking to us... listen to the spirits of the earth and air. Let them show you the right path, GoldenHair." With a wisk of wind, the feeling of the Dova's hands in hers faded, as did her image. Finally, Galadriel was left alone in her chambers.

I arrive at the fellowship's pavilion hearing sam's vocei, an attempt at a lament for Gandalf, our fallen wizard. I sigh, remembering the good and bad things I encountered in my years of knowing him. the dragon, Smaug, the rescue of thorin, and the escort of bilbo. Those wer the best things in my memory of the gray wizard. How he trusted me even after never seeing me showed that I could be trusted even though you never knew my intentions. I walked toward the hobbits, my white golden dress swaying with my steps. "Oh, that doesn't do them justice by a long road," Sam mutters as I enter the hollow tree smiling down at him. my presence gets noticed by Aragorn, who sits with them first. He smiles at me, and his grey eyes glint in awe. I bear a circlet of silver from home. after my talk with Galadriel, a servant elf had taken me aside, showing me my chambers where ei could rest and bathe.

And thus, I'm now clad in a moon dress, one I inherited the keep from my mother. "you're beautiful, my lady," Aragorn says to me as I sit down in front of him on the bedding that I rolled out just now. "I thank you, Elvenstone. Though the night I cannot spend with you, let me sing a song for you all," I said, and everyone gathered around, eager to hear my song. I took a deep breath and started to sing, soft and meaningful.


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