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"BILBO?" A VOCIE CALLS AND Bilbo turns to Frodo, and suddenly Tatsuo comes up to them. "Sackville-Bagginses! Quickly! Hide!" Bilbo exclaims in a panicked voice, and they all quickly hide behind the wall of a tent. Otho and Lobula Sackville-Baggins ... an older, grumpy-looking pair with sharp eyes ... emerge and look about the party like vultures searching for prey. Whose they do not find their mark, they walk away, and Bilbo breathes a massive relief.

"Thank you, both of you," he says and smiles at Tatsuo, who nods and walks away, leaving the two to them alone to talk out. Frodo looks after her, then looks back at his uncle. "You're a good lad, Frodo." This co-fused Frodo, and he stared at his uncle, perturbed by the change of
tone. "I'm very selfish, you know. Yes, I am... very selfish. I don't know why I  took you in after your mother and father died, but it wasn't out of charity. I think ... it was because, of  all my numerous relations ... you were the one Baggins that showed real  spirit." He says, and Frodo snorts.

" Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer's
homebrew?" He says, and Bilbo looks offended for a moment. "No. Well, yes. But that's not the point. The point is, Frodo ... you'll be all right." He says and lifts his mug and takes a drink ... probably of the Gaffer's homebrew.

Merry is holding out the big rocket ... he looks aghast at the fizzing fuse Pippin has just lit. "You're supposed to stick it in the ground!" He whispered worriedly and fearfully, tossing the rocket to pippin, who rosses it back. "It is in the ground." He hissed, and the fuse sizzled angrily. "Outside!" Merry yells at Pippin, answering him fearfully and accusing, "This was your idea." Suddenly The two hobbits are blown off their feet in a shower of sparks as the rocket blasts off with frightening power.

The rocket zooms over the party ... it suddenly bursts apart, forming the shape of a tremendous red-golden dragon! Fire gushes from its nostrils as it turns back and flies towards the
startled crowd. Tatsuo watches in amusement, smiling as the shape reminds her of Smaug. She sees Frodo watch the firework dragon with alarm ... but Bilbo is oblivious to the panicked crowd and impending danger. "Bilbo! Watch out for the dragon!!" Frodo calls but his uncle scofsss, "Dragon? Nonsense ... hasn't been a dragon in these parts for thousand years!" Does Tatsuo snort? Have you forgotten me, master Baggins? How... disappointing, she says.

Bilbo hasn't the time to answer as Frodo hurriedly pulls his uncle to the ground, just
as the dragon roars a few feet above their heads like a flaming express train. Tatsuo smiles and waves her hand, so the dragon doesn't go in a straight line but takes a somersault in the air before it explodes over the hills with a loud bang. This gets the biggest cheer of the

Merry and Pippin are leaning over a barrel, washing dishes in soapy water ... with Gandalf and Tatsuo sitting nearby. Cries of "SPEECH! SPEECH!" erupt from the party. Tatsuo looks up, seeing Bilbo step on a stool ... he bows in gratitude at the applause. "Speech!" She hears Frodo calls and smiles as her old friend begins his speech. "My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks ... Grubbs, Chubbs, Burrowses, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles, Goodbodies, Brockhouses, and Proudfoots..." he says, and suddenly a hobbit with partial large feet calls out "Proudfeet!" Bilbo waves him off.

"Also, the good Sackville-Bagginses that I welcome back at last to Bag End." He says, and the said family of hobbits scowl at him. He doesn't care. "Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday. I am eleventy-one today! Yes,  and alas ... Eleventy-one years is far    too short a time to live among such        excellent and admirable Hobbits!" He says, and Tatsuo smiles warmly as the outburst of approval meets the hobbit. " I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve!" He finals, and there's scattered clapping as the guests try to work out if that was a compliment or not.

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