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TATSUO IS SLEEPING UN HER CAVE WHEN SUDDENLY A RAVEN FLIES IN DISULRING HER SLEEP. "what is it now?" she growls, and the raven crackers. "oh?" she hums, standing up. The raven cracks again as if answering, then flies away. Tatsuo sighs and walks toward the opening of her cave. Smaug, I will be leaving. Destiny calls once more, she said to the male drake, which rumbled and answered. She shook her head and smiled, taking off into the sky. don't worry, Bilbo, I'm coming. 

A hobbit, reading beneath a tree, hears a male voice singing. He closes his book and stands, listening. Recognizing the voice, he smiles and then runs to the road. He finds an older man, wearing a gray cloak and a pointy hat, driving a horse-drawn cart filled with fireworks. "You're late!" teh hobbit calls. The older man does not look at the Hobbit at first and then turns slowly, with an emphatic expression on his face that begins to twitch. "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." the man says, and suddenly he and Frodo slowly begin to grin and crack up into laughter. Frodo then leaps onto the cart and hugs the older man. "It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!" he emails, and Gandalf laughs. "Ooh! You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?" he says, smirking at Frodo, who shakes his head. "What news of the outside world? Tell me everything." the young Hobbit says eagerly, and Gandalf sighs. "Everything? Far too eager and curious for a hobbit, most unnatural. Well, what can I tell you? Life in the wide world goes on much as it has this past age, full of comings and goings. Scarcely aware of the existence of hobbits, I am very thankful." suddenly, a hobbit calls out smiling, "Look, it's Gandalf! It Gandalf!" Gandalf nods at them dipping his head. 

"Ooh! The long-expected party!" Gandalf exclaims suddenly, and Hobbits raise a banner by the Party Tree that reads "Happy Birthday Bilbo Baggins." Looking at the sign, a hobbit clasps her hands with pleasure and anticipation. "So, how is the old rascal? I hear it's got to be a party of special magnificence." Gandalf says, and Frodo shrugs. "You know Bilbo; he's got the whole place in an uproar." Gandalf chuckles and puffs his pipe. "Hmm, well, now that should please him, hmmm." Frodo smiles and contours, "Half the Shire's been invited." "Good gracious me!" 

Frodo turns severe and says, "He is up to something." Gandalf smiles and says, "Oh really...." Frodo glanced at the older man. "All right then, keep your secrets," he says, and Gandalf laughs. "but know this. There was a certain woman he told me about. Tatsuo, I believe her name is" Gandalf stiffened "what about her?" he asked carefully. "Bilbo says she's been invited, and I have to behave around her. Why I don't know," Frodo shrugs. Suddenly the cart drives past the grumpy old Hobbit with a grim look. Some hobbit children then call after Gandalf, "Gandalf! Gandalf! Fireworks? Gandalf?" the old wizard pretends to ignore the children, and the kids grow disappointed. "Awwww." suddenly, fireworks go off the cart, and the children cheer. Gandalf laughs, making the grumpy old hobbit chuckle. Suddenly, his wife comes out and gives the grumpy old Hobbit a nagging look. He restores his grim face. 

"Gandalf, I'm glad you're back," Frodo says and stands. Gandalf nods at the young Hobbit saying, "So am I, dear boy! So am I." 

Gandalf pulls up to Bilbo's house. He goes through a gate with a sign saying: "No admittance except on party business. He then knocks on the door with his staff. *knock, knock, knock, knock*. "No, thank you! We don't want more visitors, well-wishers, or distant relations!" Bilbo calls from the inside, and Gandalf smiles, "And what about very old friends?" the sound of footsteps echoed from within, and soon Bilbo opens the door. "Gandalf?" he asks, and the grey wizard smiles. "Bilbo Baggins!" he says. "My dear Gandalf!" bilbo exclaims and hugs the elderly wizard " Good to see you! One hundred and eleven years old --who would believe it?" he says, then looks Bilbo over " You haven't aged a day." Bilbo and Gandalf laugh. "Come on, come in! Welcome, welcome!" the hobbit ushers and closes the door behind Gandalf. "Well, now. Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger? I've got a few bottles of the Old Vineyard left. 1296 --a terrific year. Almost as old as I am! Hahaha! My father laid it down. What say we open one, eh" Bilbo says smiling, but Gandalf answers calmly, "just tea, thank you."

He then backs into the chandelier. He steadies it but then bumps his head onto the beam. Nursing the pain, he enters Bilbo's study and sees the map of the Lonely Mountain mounted on a frame. He picks it up to examine it. Meanwhile, Bilbo was puttering around in the kitchen. "I was expecting you here last week! Not that it matters, you come and go as you please. I always have done and always will. You caught me a bit unprepared, I'm afraid. We have some cold chicken and pickles... Here's some cheese here- oh no, it won't do. There we got raspberry jam and apple tart... Not much for after lunch - oh no! We're all right. I have some cake." teh Hobbit says and stops as he enters the study looking for Gandalf " I can make you some eggs if you like-- oh. Gandalf?" he says, and suddenly the grey wizard pops up to him. "Just tea, thank you," he says.

bilbo smile. " Alright!" he then asks with a mouthful of cake. "You don't mind if I eat, do you?" Gandalf shakes his head. Suddenly a continuous knock on the door and a woman shouting, "Bilbo! Bilbo Baggins!" Bilbo throws himself at the wall softly and whispers harshly to Gandalf, who looks confused, " I'm not at home!" 

Suddenly they hear another voice "I suggest you leave ms. master Baggins doesn't seem he wants to be bothered" both Gandalf and Bilbo look at each other, smiling. "and who are you?" the mysterious voice chuckles "why I'm Tatsuo Stardust. I'm an old friend of the Hobbit and the grey wizard. you must be one of his relatives, are you not?" Bilbo hurries over to the door and opens it signing just the woman he wanted. She's talking to none other than Lebilia. "Tatsuo! Oh, come on in!" he calls and steps aside. The said shifter smiles polarity at Leivila and walks inside, and Bilbo closes the door after her. "I didn't think you'd make it," Bilbo said as he led her to the kitchen where gandlaf was. The two smiled at each other before the lady of dragon sat down. "well, I wouldn't miss your party, now would I?" she said, and Bilbo smiled. 

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