River fade, statues of old kin| ch.27

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A morning untouched by the day's terror and the night's. A still river is fading in and out of the land like a snake curling. A tall cliff looms over us as we paddle silently on the river. I feel the edge and tension from last night's argument between Aragorn and Boromir, which drives me mad. Why would Aragorn not lead me to Gondor? What is that he's afraid of? The ring, I understand but for me? I'm a living being capable of taking care of myself as I have been all my life. I don't need his protection is them who need mine. I huff a little, making Gimli glance at me over his shoulder. "You okay, laddie?" he asks, and I look at him, nodding. "I'm fine, just thinking" the ginger-haired dwarf nods and turns his gaze forward again "you know, Tatsuo, we haven't seen each other much, but yet I can tell when you're lying," legoals says from behind me.

I sigh, annoyed that the elf prince can tell just this. There's no going away now. I'm stuck in this boat with him. "there's nothing. I just overheard Aragorn's and Boromir's agreement yesterday. It doesn't sit right with me those words they said" "oh pry tell" legoals encourage gently tho I can hear the excitement. "they talked about me and the ring. Boromir, as you've probably noticed, wants to take the ring to Gondor to give to his father in belief. I never liked Denethor... he's too stuck, too proud. But anyway, then I heard my name being said. Aragorn said he didn't want to take me within a hundred leagues of Boromir's city. I don't understand. I'm competent to protect myself. I have the power of shifting and other magic" I stopped a little, and legoals didn't pry.

"I think that's all you need to know, keivon wanotreyx," I said and stayed silent the rest of the journey until we banked on a river bank. I had an utter feeling of reading as we reached the shore. Something terrible is going to happen here very soon...

You were right. You feel the foul presence when you and the fellowship have long since banked the river bend a few hours later. you growl and stand up, attracting attention. "Tatsuo, where are you going?" Legolas says, looking at you as you walk away with brisk steps, "to find our two comrades, elf prince," you call over your shoulder, disappearing into the forest, leaving the others to their lives. ", well shall we follow her?" Merry asks as he returns with firewood. "no, she's fine," Aragorn assures them, smiling slightly. He then addresses the rest of the fellowship "We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot ... we approach Mordor from the North." from his spot, Gimli snort and say, "Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better ... a festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see." Aragorn raises a brow as if asking, 'you questioning me, dwarf?' and says, "That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf."

The ginger-haired dwarf is offended and sputters, "Recover my...," but Aragorn doesn't hear this as legoals come up to him. "We should leave now." the heir of Isildur shakes his head, glancing into the elf's eyes. "No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for the cover of darkness." Legolas rolls his shoulders a little and answers his gaze, severe and sad "It is not the Eastern shore that worries me. And Tatsuo has yet to come back. who knows what happened to her?" Aragorn places a hand on his friend's shoulder "if there's someone who can take care of herself, it's Tatsuo. She has said it before, Legolas. don't unersatimte her" Legolas nods. Merry suddenly moves toward something and speaks up wrrioie d "Where's Frodo?" Aragorn whips around, staring at a left shield. Boromir's. Oh no...

You find Boromir in the forest alone. It sounds like he's... weeping? You frown and walk over to him. "Boromir? What got such a mighty man to weep?" you ask, leaning down and placing a hand on the man's shoulder. He looks up, and you see guilt in his eyes. "Tatsuo, I've failed you. I tried to take the ring" your eyes widened, but your voice was calm as you spoke. "No, Boromir, you have still yet to do that. Now help me search for frodo. I believe a great peril will soon hit us all," you said, standing up and offering a hand to Boromir, who took it. "let's find the ring bearer," you proclaimed, and you and Boromir separate ways were searching for the precious hobbit.

Hopefully, you will find him before the enemy.


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