Chapter 18

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(If you guys don't comment on this chapter I WILL stop posting😊)

Scott pov

Running away was hard but necessary for Scott if he didn't he would unconsciously damage to his allies and he didn't want that so his only other option was to run away

After packing his bags and sneaking away from Lauren he headed to the biggest window and jumped, spreading his large wings in the process of turning to ice and soaring off


After flying for what felt like hours he found a suitable biome, tall cliffs taller than Rivendale, snow so heavy anyone other than Scott would get hit out of the sky by the snow

By the time he landed he realized his big feathery wings had all turned to sharp ice, deadly to touch

He opened his shulker box with spruce wood and started building a small cabin and crafting a bed. His main goal would be to master his powers hopefully by the end of the year and return to his loved one but right now,

He needed sleep


Jimmy pov (no more nicknames, this is intense shit)

It had been weeks since Scott had last gone missing and everyone was fearing that it could be signalling the return of Xornoth so Katherine had called an emergency meeting and invited everyone 

Luckily when Jimmy landed he saw that he was not late like he usually was which is a 1 out of 100 chance

Once everyone arrvied Katherine got right to the point

"Okay, Scott has been missing for a few weeks and I fear that it migght be the return of Xornoth, do any of you have anything to report"

Joel was the first to speak

"I'm afraid me and Lizzie have no intel about him, the last we saw him was with Jimmy when we were having a picnic"

Jimmy quickly noticed that his sister looked uncomfortable and shifted in her shoes a lot but he ignored it, his sister couldn't possibly have taken Scott right? (spoiler alert she didn't but-)

Apparently the rest didn't notice this as Katherine just nodded and looked to Gem who was sitting next to Lizzie

"I'm afraid I also have nothing to report about on this matter and I haven't seen him since"

It kept on going and at the end, no one had any leads on where or why Scott fled to

But then, Lizzie spoke up

"I think I might have something about him"

This caught everyone's attention making everyone whip their heads in his sister's direction 

"You see me and Scott traded two things during our picnic, an ocean coloured orb which could be eaten, and a pair of diamond boots I found in a cove with the Rivendale symbol carved at the back"

The entire meeting room fell dead silent, so silent to the fact that Jimmy started to feel uncomfortable. Luckily, the queen continued 

"After eating the orb i've noticed strange things which I will show now"

Everyone watched as she rolled up her long pants exposing small blue scales covering parts of her legs

"That's not all, after finding a book that was hidden in the chest where I found the boots it's said to enhance or give magic never seen before, something related to ice and snow"

After a few minutes of silence Katherine finally spoke up

"So... Scott is elsa now?"

She was immediately hit in the arm by Shubble who continued

"Once he found out he might have fled to a higher and colder biome, somewhere where blizzards,ice and snow are common?"

Gem nodded at this "It's very logical and kind of how he would think. Unfortunately, I don't think most of us could survive high and extreme weather if we can even freeze in Rivendale whereas Scott could wear shorts in it and be perfectly fine"

Pearl then replied "Well then what are we going to do? I don't want to sit here while one of my fellow emperors could be suffering"

Gem just smiled at her "I didn't say anything about not going to save him, anyone of you ever experienced teleportation?"


Jimmy was fairly certain Lizzie wouldn't survive in the state she was in, so he voted Lizzie and Joel to stay back. Joel to protect and Lizzie to rest

You see, before everyone went back to get their supplies Gem recommended they vote for whoever they thought wouldn't survive the conditions and suprise suprise, Joel and Lizzie were forced to stay back

After hearing a lot of protests from Joel, they agreed to pack their things and meet back at the Overgrown. Luckily Jimmy had a very thick coat which Scott had given him beforehand and winter equipment, after throwing in a water bottle he closed the shulker box took it, and flew back

Unfortunately unlike last time he was among the last which landed him some bullying he considered unnecessary 

After everyone was gathered, Gem took out her staff and warned

"Listen, once we land you will experience nausea and fatigue, so I hope you all have strong stomachs"

And without another word said, she waved her staff and Jimmy fell into an abyss 

(Yuhh Scott became and ice queen💃 btw did ya'll see Pearl's ending in the new one-life smp? Istg Cleo and Scott had fairly good reasons it's Martyn i'm mad at mans just got up and left like my dad😒)

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