Chapter 22

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(Ya'll AO3 down bad 😨 *proceeds to make an account there*)

(Got bored so yeah ✨️new chapter✨️)

Scott pov bcs I can

As the dragon broke through the clouds Scott got a glimpse of how far Solidarity's kingdom had gotten

The cod empire had largely grown. Houses dotted the swamp as far as the eye could see, large fields of wheat and other crops coloured the south parts of the land with gold, orange and green and troops lined the empire, covering every opening 

Jimmy smiled as he watched his lover looked around in amazement "I guess you could say i've made some improvements while you were gone petal. Welcome home"


Once the dragon landed near the newly-built and towering castle, it took off, disappearing into cotten candy coloured clouds 

The older one then turned and pulled Scott into a tight hug "I'm watching over you for a few months, I've had to run both Rivendale and the Cod Empire while you were gone. You aren't leaving me and your empire again"(Ya'll I died when I found out that Jimmy's empire was literally called the cod empire, beautiful creativity you got there Jimmy James) 

Just then, a servant ran up to Jimmy with a worried face "My lord the - oh! Your lover has returned!" 

Jimmy just smiled back at them "Isn't it great?" His face then turned so cold that Scott shivered "What happened? Is the crystal shaking again?" (I just searched my entire story to see whether they trapped Xornoth in a crystal or killed him only to find out it was in chapter 12💃)

"Unfortunately, it is. Please don't send us away but the servants hsve been thinking that your lover could somehow help stop the demon's restlessness" The servant said before looking down and refusing to look up

"Are you crazy!? That demon abused it's own partner and followers, do you expect me to just hand him over right after-" "Jimmy." Fortunately,  Jimmy's gaze softened upon the feeling of the Scott's hand slipping into his "Right, sorry"

Scott then turned to the servant "What crystal are you talking about, is it the one Gem trapped Xornoth in?"

The servant immediately bowed as a show of respect towards the cyan haired emperor before replying "Yes your majesty. Our leader is now guarding the crystal, we haven't had any incidents but once you were in the vicinity of the empire the crystal started shaking. We believe it can sense you"

Scott bit his lip, stupid Xornoth, stupid brother, always finding a way to cause trouble "Very well, bring me to it"

Jimmy's response was to look at him in horror "Are you crazy Scott! Have you forgotton what he has done?"

Scott simply shrugged "Anything to protect you, plus worse comes to worse, have your communicator ready" He then turned to the servant "Once again, take me to it"

The servant bowed again before leading both emperors to the crystal's room


"And just remember that i'm standing right behind these doors okay?" Scott was about to enter the room and unfortunately,  Jimmy was all over him 

"Of course love" And with a small smile and a peck on the cheek, he dissapeared behind heavy metal doors

The moment Scott set foot into the room he felt like the temperature had risen to 150 celsius

The centerepiece was a small crystal, floating in the middle of the room by what looked like red stalactites on both the bottom amd the top

The approuched the small crystal that was now pulsating and sat near it "Hello brother dearest, I hope you can hear me. I'm here to ask what you want"

All of a sudden the room turned pitch black, with the crystal seemingly being the only source of light. A pointed claw lightly tapping on Scott's shoulder broke him out of his sitting position

Behind him, stoof his brother. Easily towering above him

"Scott! It's been so long since i've seen you" Scott just scoffed "Playing caring big brother now are we? Quit the games Xornoth, i'm only here to ask why you've been shaking so violently"

Xornoth's thin smile then split into a wide grin as he approuched his brother  "Because i'm almost free! The gem is breaking and there's nothing you can do about it, not even your little friend Gem"

"What- no, you can't break free that's impossible" "Well it's happening! Guess nothing can cage me afterall" The demon was now a few inches away from Scott, standing tall above him

In an effort to get away, Scott stumbled back which proved to be a bad idea as he almost fell on one xornorths tentacles which were enough to puncture someone. With the only thing saving him being his brother who quickly teleported and caught his younger brother

"And with years of not meeting you're still clumsy as ever" Xornoth mumbled under his breathe before pushing Scott back onto his feet

Scott just brushed his clothes off "Whatever, i'm waking up. Farewell brother"

And with that, the darkness vanished and he was once again back in the room with the gem no longer pulsating

(Ya'll gotta vote which chapter you want me to end the story btw,I need to stop this story and work on yandere Jimmy aka prt 2 plus this story is already coming to it's climax, just comment on the one you want)

(Chapter 30)

(Chapter 25)

(Chapter 35)

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