Chapter 26

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(Oh my god look at how generous I am, writing a chapter at 12 in the morning on my birthday, that's right folks my birthday is on 9th September 🥳 also my chapter posting will decrease significantly {like it hasn't already} due to my mental health dropping horribly, also no this isn't a smut chapter I would simply die also i'm pulling Grian in because Jim was also apart of EVO smp)

Jimmy Johns pov

Jim stared at his communicator and started going through his last confession with Scott. Love messages, fights, deciding who would be the one to bathe the owls, and of course little emoticons

He smiled sadly at the lonely message sitting at the bottom from Scott 


Goodnight Jim <3

If only he could have replied to it

Slowly, he turned to his side and place his communicator down on the shelf before offing his bedside lamp and sleeping


Jimmy awoke the next morning and jumped out of bed, quickly getting ready before running out of his tent

Unfortunately for the man, it was still dark out, he checked his communicator and sadly found out that it was still 6 am in the morning. Sliding the communicater back into his pocket, he decided he had lots more time to kill and proceeded to walk towards a small pond nearby

Sitting at the pond's edge, he smiled comfortably as he dipped his legs into the water and closed his eyes, wishing he was back at home, with Scott, and no worries whatsoever 

However when he opened his eyes he frowned at the remembrance that Scott was infact, not at home. And instead stuck with his demon brother and probably in lots of danger

And his lover who was supposed to save him was sitting on the side of some random pond instead of trying to find him

"I'm sorry Scott" Jimmy thought, shaking his head "But you'll have to wait a little longer"

Suddenly, a beep went off and Jimmy turned his head to the source of the sound, his communicator

He pulled it out and checked his notifications, smiling at the sight of his good friend's name popping up


Hey Tim! How's empires? And Scott, is he okay?

No matter how bad Jimmy wanted to tell Grian everything, he couldn't. It was the rules of servers like this so he responded with a positive message


Yep, it's going great! And Scott's doing fine

He quickly silenced his notifications and stuffed the communicater back where he pulled it from, he didn't need to remember his life out of empires and he certainly didn't need to call for help from outsiders

He sighed before staring at his reflection in the pond and jolting back 

He had changed significantly since the last time he had looked at himself, his hair was a bit longer and his large fins on the side of his head were wriggling from front to back, a clear sign of agitation 

He didn't like this version of himself and made a mental note that when he got back, he would cut his hair

Soon, a second reflection joined his. One with long ginger hair that was tied into braids to signify her many wins in battles 

"Gem" Jimmy greeted the head witch, he didn't dare look at her, she seemed even more agitated than Jimmy was and that said something

"Jim" She greeted back, nodding at him before sitting beside him "We're leaving at 8, are you ready?"

Jimmy tuned to her and instead answered her question with a question of his own "How do you stay so calm? Your brother just got pulled away, shouldn't you be a lot more angrier than you appear?"

Gem slowly sat down next to him, sighing at the cold water reaching her thighs

"Of course i'm angry, and if I wanted to I would blow up the entire world looking for him, but I have to accept the fact that he's older now and doesn't need my protection nor guidance. He does stuff on his own and I need trust him to take care of himself. Just like you should trust Scott" She replied smiling

Jimmy scoffed "Of course I trust him, how could I not? He's my lover"

But Gem looked at him disapprovingly "No you don't, you think that everytime Scott gets in trouble you are responsible for it and you need to protect him but he is perfectly capable of protecting himself so loosen up a bit, he would never die on you"

Jim looked back and stared into the forest "Yeah, I guess so"

Gem got up and offered a hand to Jimmy "Let's go, we have to wake up the others"


Jimmy watched as all the rulers slowly emerged from their tents and wwnt over to their respective dragons who were now waiting impatiently for their riders

As he climbed onto his dragon whom had been waiting angrily for him, he saw their small group huddled together with their dragons. Some on said dragons and some off

He directed the fussy beast over to the small group to which it unhappily obeyed

As he rode over, some members of the group noticed him and allowed him to get a better look at what was happening 

Apparently, Gem has seen an eyeball similar to the one at home near Lizzie's towers but smaller emerge from the ground and quickly sink back in to the soil

The area that Jimmy guessed was probably where the eyeball emerged had a small gap and Gem was studying it

"Gem are you sure this is a good idea?" Pearl asked, stepping forward. She was part of the small percentage of the group that was holding the dragon by it's reins instead of sitting on the dragon's back

Gem nodded back "I'm fairly certain this should work" She appeared like she was checking something before backing away and ordering the others to do so aswell

Jimmy not wanting to become another one of Gem's 'accidents' as she called them, back away and in good timing too

He watched as the purple explosion erupted, wiping out everything in it's vicinity. Even stone

Gem held a hand out, a motion Jim recognized as 'Stop' before she approached the hole and examined it

Jimmy decided that the hole was not an entrance to Xornoth's realm at the sight of Gem's grimace 

She slowly backed away before returning to the group

"Tons of tnt" She said folding her arms. "We're lucky my explosion didn't reach the tnt or else we would be seeing god, if there even is one"

Pearl frowned "So, Xornoth planted them and tried to make us ignite it? How horrid"

Katherine raised a hand and the roots of nearby trees curled around the explosives aswell as the thicker ones filling in the gap "Well that's Xornoth for you"

At this point the dragons were becoming more and more agitated so Joel spoke up

"As much as I would love to continue berating Xornoth, we kind of need to go because these dragons look like they want to fly away" He said, trying to calm his emerald green dragon

Gem nodded "Alright then, let's continue. And pray we don't get knocked out of the sky"

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