Chapter 48: Roomies

Start from the beginning

"That's not what I meant by what I said. I do trust you. It's just –" Yami glanced at Kaiba then back at you. Kaiba sends a glare at Yami "Oh wow. You don't trust me with her?" Kaiba sneered at Yami who clears his throat "I trust you during duels." Kaiba narrows his glare "That wasn't what I said Yugi." Kaiba quickly retorts at Yami's childish actions of wanting to keep you basically all to himself. You stand up "Yugi" Your tone was a little cold when you said his name, well, Yugi's because of Kaiba and Mokuba being here, that made Yami go stiff. His mad-wife senses were tingling and sure enough you were. Yami stood up with his head down and he followed you to a secluded part of the helicopter while Tristan and Joey were being stupid "Oooooh Yugi's/Yug's in troublllle." They teased which made Mokuba laugh to the side. Tea rolled her eyes and threw her shoe at the two idiots. Tristan got hit in the head with it after Joey used him as a shield for that purpose. Tristan elbowed his stomach and then tossed Tea her shoe back with an annoyed look on his face. Tea put her shoe back on with a huff from having to deal with these boys. Kaiba was not phased by their actions. He was looking over to you and Yami being in a corner to discuss with each other privately.

Yugi's spirit was standing beside Yami "You are in for a chew out now." Yugi mumbled and Yami gave him a side glance before taking his entire focus on you. You saw the lavender orb being near Yami but ignored it because you were mostly focused on Yami. "I'm sorry." Yami apologized before you were going to go off on him. He rested his forehead on your shoulder "I just want you to be close to me at all times after Dartz . . . After he . . ." Yami sighs and takes his head off your shoulder to look you in the eye "I shouldn't be telling you to not stay with him. After all, I live within the millennium puzzle and Yugi without having to worry about finding a place to live unlike you. You came back here and left everything behind to just be here . . . A huge decision I know was not easy to make . . . I have no right to tell you where to stay and with whom . . . I am sorry . . ." Yami sighs again with his eyes full of worry again. A look in his eyes you were finding it harder and harder to keep from being there. Especially when they are always towards you and because of you. Always making this handsome man worry for your sake. You softly sigh 'Damn him for being understanding even when he is being childish . . .' You thought to yourself while finding it cute how he looked like a puppy being sad when they are being ridiculed for doing something bad that they knew they shouldn't have.

You went closer to him, startling Yami for being a little scared of what you were going to do, and you leaned close to his ear. Yugi was trying to peek over to see what was going on. He couldn't get near because you were in the way. Only being able to see Yami's face. You smirk with your knee pressed against a certain place of Yami's "I accept your apology but," You made your knee rub gently against it "I thought that if I got a place of my own from Kaiba then maybe we can have more quality alone time. If you catch my drift pharaoh." You whisper into his ear, nibbling it before moving away with a smile on your face. Yugi saw Yami's face being a burning bright red. Yami was too speechless to even conjure up any form of words. Steam was starting to come out of his head and ears. You turn from Yami to Kaiba with a proud smile on your face "It's decided that I will be staying with you and Mokuba!" You chirped while heading back to your seat. Mokuba jumped in joy in his seat "Yay! It's going to be fun I promise!" Mokuba assured you while Kaiba was looking at you, then glancing over the malfunctioned Yami who was trying to reboot his brain.

"Ph-Pharaoh?! Are you alright?! You look like you are short circuited! Pharaoh! Say something!" Yugi's spirit was frantically roaming around Yami. Worried little wart trying to get Yami to say something from being frozen in place. Yami crouched down with his hands covering his steaming hot face. His back towards Yugi and everyone "I-I just need a moment to compose myself." Yami was trying to hide not just his face but a certain special friend from being seen from everyone else. Trying to calm himself down from your teasing.

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