Chapter 14: Philip [Part: 2] (Hunter's POV)

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Philip stopped and started carving a very complicated glyph on the dirt ground.

"Whoa, what is that?" Luz asked as Philip kneeled on the ground.

"Now, I know a few tricks as well," Philip admitted before tapping the glyph.

Suddenly, everything faded to white, and then they were in some kind of ice cave, or so Hunter thought. There were two tunnels to each side of them and one main huge bridge with a very tall door at the end of it. The door had strange lines on it, most glowing and a few were still dim. Hunter supposed the complex glyph from before was some kind of teleportation glyph.

Luz gasped, "Whoa, where are we?"

Philip ignored her and walked further ahead toward the incredibly tall door while Luz approached a small opening outside.

"We're in the head of the Titan?!" Luz exclaimed as Hunter's eyes widened.

"W-We're what??? But this is sacred ground!" Lilith stammered as Hunter checked the opening.

"I suppose that's why no one wanted to accompany me," Hunter looked back to see Philip limping toward the door, "But every legend told me that The Collector lies there, behind that door. I just can't figure out the mechanisms to open it. If I weren't so frail..."

Philip winced and kneeled down on the ground, hugging his leg. Hunter could tell he was trying to guilt trip them but didn't say anything.

"It's okay, we can help! Puzzles are in my blood, literally. My mom had to stop me from eating puzzles when I was a kid. You stay here and rest up!" Luz exclaimed.

"Thank you for your kindness, crab maiden," Philip put his hand on her shoulder, "Perhaps we were destined to meet."

Lilith and Luz went to the door to figure out the door or just talk just as Flapjack flew in.

"Oh, Fla-aaascal! Rascal! Where were you? I was starting to get worried, you know..." Hunter stroked Flapjack's head.

He decided to not use Flapjack's real name in the event that Philip would be familiar with the name.

"You know," Philip suddenly spoke up, "You remind me so much of my brother."

"What?" Hunter asked.

"Hmm, that's right, he always seemed so much happier though," Philip commented, still on the floor.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Hunter asked.

"Well, another key difference is that he never knew when to hide his emotions so well," Philip continued, ignoring Hunter's question.

Hunter was a bit taken aback by this.

"I almost didn't notice you were suspicious of me the whole time, but your bird blew it," Philip admitted.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," Hunter said quietly.

"My brother always had an extra soft spot for palismens as well... It seemed you were so conserved with me to the point where I don't even know your name, but you talked with the others just fine. I didn't realize that until your bird friend came, triggering a reaction from you... Say, what is your name?" He asked.

Hunter felt a chill run down his spine, this person had an aura around him that Hunter knew only too well, it was Belos's aura.

"You- Why- Why does it matter to you?" Hunter asked, fumbling his words.

"As I thought, you aren't just suspicious of me, you don't trust me at all," Philip stated, "I just wonder why..."

Hunter stayed silent.

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