Chapter 10: "You're his ______?!" (Lilith's POV)

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"Haha, I win," the Golden Guard smirked before tipping over.

Lilith caught him before he hit the ground, but his wound wasn't bleeding any less. Lilith tried putting pressure on the scar to stop the bleeding as Eda and King raced toward them.

"Ugh, I knew he would push himself too far!" Eda exclaimed, picking him up quickly, "C'mon! Let's go back to the Owl House!"

Lilith followed her sister and nephew back into the house. The boy's palismen came in with them too. She watched as Eda carefully set Hunter down on the couch, she also noticed that his bird landed right next to him. It seemed to know something was wrong.

"King, bandages. Lily, towel and water," Eda demanded and she inspected the wound.

Lilith raced off toward the kitchen without another word. She grabbed a towel and filled a bucket with water before returning hurriedly. Eda dipped the towel in water and carefully began cleaning the wound as King ran in with a bunch of bandages.

"King, you know that ointment in the bathroom?" Eda asked.

"On it," King saluted and dashed toward the bathroom.

"Sister, is he okay?" Lilith asked guiltily.

"He'll be fine, and don't go off thinking it was your fault either," Eda replied, reading Lilith's mind, "I knew he wouldn't give up, but I didn't think he'd be this determined..." 

Lilith thought back to when they were fighting as King came back with the ointment. Now that she thought back to it, the kid seemed more desperate than determined. He even resorted to playing dirty at the end just to win. Lilith thought of when she was in the Emperor's Coven, she'd wanted to win every fight to make Belos happy with her. Lilith gasped and looked at Hunter and then Eda.

"Edalyn, did you tell him anything stupid before the fight?" Lilith quickly asked.

"Uh, no, nothing other than how you're coming today, then you came through the door," Eda answered.

"Oh. My. Titan," Lilith gasped.

"What is it?" Eda asked.

Lilith smirked a bit, "Oh nothing, dear sister~"

"You know something I don't," Eda stated.

"Well, it's just, in the Emperor's Coven, this kid's parental figure had to be Belos, because he's his right hand man, but now that he's run away, it seems you are his new one..." Lilith explained casually.

"Whaaaaa?" Eda and King blurted out in sync.

Lilith chuckled.

"He," Eda pointed to Hunter, "Thinks of me," Eda pointed to herself, "As his, like, mom?"

"HEY, SHE'S MY MOM!!!" King exclaimed.

"I wouldn't go as far to say you are like a mom to him, but you're definitely some kind of guardian to him," Lilith replied.

"Good," King mumbled.

"Don't worry King, I'd never replace you!" Eda told him, "Plus, I think of Luz as my kid and you don't mind, why do you suddenly care now?" 

"Weh," King pouted.

Eda smirked teasingly at King before grabbing the ointment and applying it to Hunter's wound. The three chattered while Eda bandaged Hunter up. Flapjack stayed the whole time, not even falling asleep. 

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