Chapter 9: a Fight for the Ages (Hunter's POV)

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(Ok, in the actual show, the only scenes where we see Hunter fighting is in his fight against Amity at Eclipse lake. I mean, we do see a glimpse of him fighting in Labyrinth Runners, but it's not really enough to actually make a fight out of, so the fighting stuff that Hunter does in this chapter will be mostly from Eclipse Lake.)

Hunter stood in front of Lilith, his past colleague, right before they were about to battle. Hunter knew that he didn't have much of a chance at winning due to how he had never used Flapjack in a battle before.

Still, he had to win. If he didn't, would Eda disown him? Hunter would never admit it, but he saw Eda as some kind of parental figure, he was afraid of losing her, or rather, her throwing him out. If he could win this fight, then... Then what? Eda would never get rid of him... Right?

Hunter stared Lilith straight in the eyes and Lilith did the same to him. Neither of the two dared to break the contact, but of course, Eda did.

"Ay, are you guy's gonna start anytime soon?!" Eda hollered.

"Actually, I was about to start right- NOW!!!" Lilith yelled, shooting a beam of energy toward Hunter at her last word.

Hunter easily dodged the blast by teleporting with his staff.

"Real staffs are so weird!" Hunter mumbled to himself quietly as he dodged another blast.

Hunter finally decided to attack Lilith by blasting at her. It looked just like hers but it was smaller, bright yellow, and had strange electricity crackling mixed into it. Lilith dodged the hit, but as soon as the blast hit the ground, it burst into multiple smaller shots and bounced around.

Lilith got hit by one of the smaller beams, causing her to stagger backward. Hunter took this chance and teleported right up to her and swept her leg, causing her to fall over. Hunter pointed his staff under her throat, but Lilith wasn't done just yet.

She shot a weaker energy blast square at Hunter's chest that launched him across the field. Hunter coughed up a little blood before quickly standing up. Lilith tried to hit him with another energy beam, but Hunter dodged again. 

Hunter decided that hitting her at her blind spot would be best, so he teleported behind Lilith and hit her with his staff causing her to look behind. This made an opening to hit her at her side, but when he teleported there, Lilith's staff met his to deflect his attack. 

Hunter teleported a bit further back and shot another one of the crackly yellow energy blasts again. This time, Lilith put up a shield on one side of her to avoid the tiny yellow blasts that sprouted from it.

Hunter could feel himself tiring and knew he'd have to finish the fight quickly if he wanted to win, so with all his might, he conjured up a huge fist under Lilith which caused her to fling into the air.

Hunter teleported next to her midair and jabbed her in the stomach, which seemed to catch her off guard. Lilith, in a state of panic, sent a small powerful beam toward Hunter. Hunter, who didn't dodge it in time received a bad slice to his side. Hunter let out a small yelp before teleporting both him and Lilith safely to the ground.

"Whoa, brat, are you ok?!" Lilith asked, running towards him, causing Hunter to somewhat flinch which he knew she definitely caught.

"It's fine," Hunter replied, teleporting away from Lilith, "The last time this happened it bled a lot more and I survived so-"

"Last time? What do you mean last time? This happened before?!" Eda yelled.

"Look, br- kid, you need some medical aid," Lilith said, approaching Hunter.

Hunter didn't want medical aid, he wanted recognition from someone, anyone, well preferably Eda, and to do that he had to win. He didn't want to be treated like a baby.

Hunter could hear Lilith's un-even breath, her hesitant steps as her eyes settled on Hunter's unreadable face. His face was completely blank and numb as if there were no pain, no bleeding scar, no nothing.

Finally, Lilith was right next to Hunter... And he drop-kicked her. Hunter pointed his staff at her throat triumphantly.

"Haha, I win," Hunter chuckled dryly.

And then it all faded to black...

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