Chapter 11: A "Cult" (Luz's POV)

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Luz was looking through as many books as she could get her hands on. She wanted to know what she did wrong on the door. Maybe then she could explain to her mother why she left and, well, the whole Demon Realm thing too. Luz looked at the echo mouse that ate up the contents of Philip Wittebane's diary, which was running on a hamster wheel.

Luz sighed, "You and me both, buddy. I can't figure out what I messed up when I made that ding-danged door."

Suddenly, Luz heard a clinking noise from the living room and decided to figure out what it was. As she walked there, an arm suddenly stopped her from going into the room and into the shadows. Luz almost yelled out before she noticed Hunter was the one who pulled her in, Flapjack was flying right next to him.

"It is so nice to be surrounded by all of Lulu's dearest friends!" Hooty exclaimed from the living room.

"Luz, I think that they're holding a secret meeting of sorts, I believe Hooty and Lilith have betrayed us.  I mean even Steve is there!" Hunter whispered.

"Tweet, tweet!" Flapjack chirped.

"I'm not going insane," Hunter answered.

"Yeah! All hail Lulu!" Steve could be heard saying from the room.

Luz peeked over to see the 'meeting' which was really just a party for Lilith as Hunter continued on.

"Scratch that, it seems to be a cult where they're worshipping Lilith because Steve just said 'All hail, Lulu.' Maybe that's what she's referred to in the cult, while us normal people just call her Lilith," Hunter rambled on, still whispering.

"We're here to celebrate the new assistant curator of the Supernatural Museum of History." Hooty lifted up his cup, "Here's to you, Lulu!"

"Cheers!" Everyone shouted.

"Hunter, they're just celebrating Lilith getting a job! C'mon, you should come with me!" Luz exclaimed grabbing his hand.

"Nope!" Hunter yanked his arm back, "Steve has seen me without my mask once, he'd recognize me. I'll just meet you outside instead."

Then Hunter ran away from the room, presumably to jump out of a window with Flapjack following closely behind. Luz pulled a party hat out of her pocket and put it on. 

"I still wonder how I can do that!" Luz muttered optimistically as she walked towards Hooty, "Hooty! Did I miss the toast?" 

"Yes! But not the "app-pellet-tizers!" Hooty exclaimed, showing Luz a plate with a couple of owl pellets on it.

Luz found it hard not to gag when she noticed one of them was still moving.

"You want a- There's an extra one. I'm working on it," Hooty began to try coughing up another one.

"No, no, no! That's okay! Uh, where's Lilith? We want to congratulate her," Luz raised up her hat to reveal the echo mouse under it.

Suddenly, a whip from outside grabbed one of the app-pelt-tizers and brought it outside. Luz, intrigued, decided to follow it. 

"Oh, I wish I could stay longer," an unfamiliar female voice began, "But I must be off on my next adventure."

Luz peeked out the door just soon enough to see the woman throw the app-pelt-tizer. Lilith was standing next to her.

"t's such a delight to see my little bookworm back in the historical world after all these years!" the woman exclaimed.

Luz wondered how they knew eachother. 

"Uh, thank you, Flora, but it's just a small job, only an assistant. I'm surprised you even heard about this," Lilith replied.

It seemed the woman's name was Flora then.

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