Chapter 19 - Fighting for control

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Sophia's POV


We sit at the table, and I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this.

"So are you two just fucking, or are you in love?" Vincent asks, and Maxon takes the wine at the table poring it into his cup. He immediately downs it.

"Maybe we're not fucking." I say eating some of the steak Maxon made.

"Yes you are." Vincent says in a matter of fact tone, and I just choose not to respond.

"Now the question is do you love her Maxon, or is she just another fuck?" Vincent asks.

Just another fuck. The same thing Olivia said. Maybe it really was too good to be true. Could everything he said in the shower be a lie?

I look up at Maxon, and he has stopped his movements as if he's truly contemplating the question. For a second he looks up meeting my eyes before he looks back down.

"Mmhh." Vincent hums while narrowing his eyes at Maxon.

I grab the bottle of wine doing the same as Maxon, but drinking straight from the bottle.

By the time dinner is over Vincent has made things very awkward while both Maxon, and myself are at least a little buzzed off how much wine we have had.

I hate to admit that I can't hold my alcohol well. I haven't gotten drunk a lot in my life. Usually I'm required for be sharp, and focused. I also don't like the idea of not having full control over what I do.

"Well I'm going to bed, and I'll make sure to sleep with a gun under my pillow in case you try something." Vincent says looking at me as he rises from his seat at the table.

I look over to Maxon when he stands obviously just as tired as me. I watch as he walks upstairs, and soon after I follow him.

I go to his room, and I see him on the balcony. I surprise him when I wrap myself around him hugging his back.

His tense muscles calm once he realizes it's me. We sit there for a while before he pushes away.

I feel myself get upset. At least I think I'm upset. I can't really tell at this point. Maybe I shouldn't have drank the wine.

He sits down on the chair that's outside. He looks at the view of all the far away city lights you can see from the balcony. It's quite beautiful actually.

"What's wrong?" I ask him quietly, my drunken state making me quieter than usual.

"You know exactly what's wrong with me." He says harshly.

I close my eyes sighing. I walk over to him, and I sit on his lap. He avoids my gaze, but doesn't force me to get off of him.

"You don't know what you fucking want Sophia, and I'm not going to let you fuck around with my head. I thought it would be worth it, but things have only gotten worse since we've been working together." He says angrily, and finally lifts me off of him to walk to then edge of the balcony.

I know he's upset about what happened earlier, and he's at least a little buzzed from the alcohol. I know me being just a little drunk also has something to do with the fact that his words hurt so much. I mean that has to be the reason right?

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