Chapter 3 - Triple Shot

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Sophia's POV


I get off of the plane, and I notice a man with a few of his friends. I see keys in his back pocket, and I head his direction.

"Oops I'm so sorry." I say when I bump into him.

"You're forgiven sweetheart." He says.

I walk off with his keys in my hands. Once I make it outside I see the keys go to a motorcycle. I climb on top with my bag strapped around me.

I make sure to keep only the necessary items with me when I travel. Usually weapons, and money. Clothes can always be replaced.

"Hey she stole my keys!"

Before anyone can catch up to me I put the helmet on my head riding off. I smirk as I look back to see the man trying to run after me.

Along the way, when I see a bar with motorcycles parked outside I stop. I swap one of the license plates with the one I stole.

I travel a little bit further until I get where I need to be. There's one person in California that knows who I am. Who I really am, and she's just the friend I need right now. Estrella.

I get off the bike, stopping at her place. I look through the compartment finding the man's wallet in there. Garret Weaver.

What an odd name. I get off the bike taking my bag with me. I knock on the door, and Estrella answers.

When I was younger my father kidnaped the family of a rival mafia. I tried to help them escape. He shot Estrellas parents, but my brother and I helped Estrella escape. One of the last good things he did before my father broke him.

She was ten, and I was nine. Now I'm twenty four, and she's twenty five. She hugs me as soon as she sees that it's me.

"Come in." She says, and I step inside the house. Her twins come running up to me.

"Aunt Sophia!" They both yell.

I would always visit them behind my father's back whenever he sent me on assignments. These are people from my past, I don't mind seeing. I scoop both of the four year olds in my arms, hugging them tightly.

"Hey Estrella." I say after putting Levi, and Layla down.

"Hey Soph." She says hugging me again, and I just laugh.

"What brings you to Cali?" She asks.

"I'm going to Jase's auction to take care of some business. You have a dress I can barrow?"

"Annie!" She shouts, and the kids nanny comes running down.

"Watch them." She orders, and Annie nods.

Estrella takes me to her closet where she has a bunch of dresses. I have no idea why she has them, but I don't ask questions.

Jase Williams is a gunsmith. The best actually. The auction is safe for me to go to.

The plan is to win the auction, get Jase alone, and question him. Simple. Nothing could go wrong.

I choose a sexy, elegant, black, satin dress that goes past my knees. It has a long slit showing off my right leg, and my breasts are showcased perfectly as they sit in the lace bra I have on underneath.

Estrella curls my hair, and I place on some black satin gloves to match the dress along with black red bottoms.

I top the look with deep red lipstick.

"You look perfect." Estrella says as we both look at the mirror.

"Thank you Estrella."

"Anytime." She says.

"I mean for everything." I say, and she hugs me.

This reminds me of Andrea. I know I lied to her about quite literally everything, but I still cared about her. I miss our friendship. It felt normal. More importantly it felt real. It wasn't something formed out of trauma, and I know I was sent to get close to Lorenzo, but I wasn't sent to get close to her.

When I first met Andrea I didn't even know who she was. I actually liked her, but once I found out she was close with Lorenzo I had to take the opportunity. I was an idiot back then. A mindless soldier.

I shake the feeling of regret off. It's too late now.

"Merda I have to go." I say seeing what time it is.

"I'll see you later sorella." I say hugging Estrella one last time. She kisses my cheek, and I head out the door.

I take a small handbag with me. It's just big enough to fit my gun, and two small knives just in case things get out of hand.

I get on the motorcycle, and head to the auction.

Once I'm there I park a block away from the building, walking the rest of the way. Once I get there I walk in, and I recognize some of my dads old business partners.

I recognize them, but none of them have ever seen my face. My dad hid me from everyone. He kept me isolated as a child except for my mother, brother, and the workers of the house. Although I don't really have any memories of my mother.

Every time he had people over I was forced to stay inside of my room the entire time. Sometimes I would sneak out, and I would watch the meetings without him knowing.

He would've raised hell if he knew. Everyone starts to take their seats as the auction starts. Without trying, my eyes fall to someone on my right.

He has platinum blonde hair, and icy blue eyes. He carries himself with confidence. Like he knows he's good. Almost cocky, but he's still on guard, inspecting the place with his eyes.

He has a blonde at his side. She has nicely trimmed short hair, and moss colored eyes. She notices me staring at him, and throws a glare at me.

He notices her, and looks at me. His eyes lock with mine only a second before they trail down examining my body.

Everyone starts to sit in their seats as the auction is about to begin. There is a very small circular pedestal where you can see a gun in a clear case sitting on the table.

Seats surround the pedestal in a circle as well. I sit down, and I look up to see that same stranger sitting across the room staring at me. Who is he?

Jase walks out standing next to the gun before he speaks.

"Welcome everyone. I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. I will be auctioning a special gun. This gun is called the triple shot. This is, because instead of the bullet stopping in someone's body it will pass through their flesh moving into the next person. If you aim right the bullet can go through three people at once. Sometimes four."

The triple shot. Interesting.

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