Chapter 1 - By my Hands

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Sophia's POV


I'm in the chair, tied up with blood running down my nose from the man punching me. I can taste my own blood, and I'm not as repulsed by it as I used to be.

"Your father will pay a pretty penny for you. The last heir of the Russo empire." He says chuckling.

He just confirmed exactly what I let him kidnap me for. My father is still alive.

After Andrea, and Lorenzo's men stormed my father I went after him. He escaped, and I didn't dare go back to the warehouse knowing that Andrea would want my head. They killed my brother. Not that I much care.

For almost three years I have been trying to find my father. I know that the Marino empire has given up their search, because I have stopped seeing their men.

Their men are sometimes easy to spot, and sometimes hard. Either way, once I know they're there, I steer clear of them. I stay invisible.

They aren't the only mafia looking for my father's head either. Plenty of others are as well. They weren't only looking for him, but also me.

They think that if they can find the last heir of the Russo thrown they can use me to take the Russo mafia. But not if my father Stefano Russo gets to me first.

He's been sending people to look for me, and he's been careful about it. What he hasn't realized is that he trained me. Trained me to be just as good as him if not better.

Growing up my father trained his little girl to be the best. He taught me how to blend in. He kept me hidden from the world, because I was born before my brother.

He needed a boy first to be his heir, so he took advantage of his situation turning me into the perfect soldier.

I wanted nothing more than to show my father my worth my entire life, thinking that maybe he would love me as much as he loved my brother, Salvatore.

He never did. Then finally he gave me a mission I thought would change that. To take down Lorenzo Marino.

Once I realized that nothing would change I betrayed my father, and brother. I never wanted to believe it, but Salvatore had became just as bad as him. I saw that for the first time when he tried to rape Andrea.

Now I'm after my father's head, and I won't stop until I get it.

My father trained me, so well, because he thought I would always be his weapon to fire. Now that he's on the other side of the gun, I have dreams about him being afraid of his own daughter hunting him down.

The man leans his face close to mine, and I almost gag at the smell of his breath.

"So my father wants me now?" I ask pretending to be helpless.

"Yes. Since your brothers dead your his only heir, and he needs you to get his empire back."

"Where are you going to take me?" I whimper letting tears fall down my eyes. The man chuckles.

"Californias where we're going to be shipping you off to."

This guy is a real blabber mouth. I could just imagine all the shit he would say if I were actually having my way with him. He would open his mouth before I could strike him with a blade.


So Stefano's in California. Good to know. I lean my face in closer to his, and I hear his breath hitch.

"But I much rather stay here with you." I whisper seductively.

I see him look down as I spread my legs open. His hand finds a place on my thigh as he runs it up my dress.

"Oh really?" He asks, and his disgusting beetle eyes widen.

"No." I smash his forehead with mine, making him stumble back. He hadn't noticed when I managed to get out of the ropes ten minutes ago.

I kick him in the balls with my foot making him fall to the floor as I grab the gun out of his waste band.

"Saluta mio fratello all'inferno." I say before shooting him him the head.

California here I come. 

I get my fake ID ready, and I am now Nichole Channing. I changed it after the fight with the Marino's. I'm sure they were looking for Chloe, but they won't be looking for Nichole.

I fix my hat as I go through airport security. My father never had any birth records of me. Technically I don't even exist. Which means I can be whoever I want to be, and no one would know it was a lie.

That's the only thing I will ever be grateful for that came from that man. My father was satan himself.

In my past I was known to be a model. Although that was a lie as well. All of the papers with my face on them never got sent out. Everything was faked, and it was all a lie. Getting nominated for model of the year, a lie . That was what I was good at doing. Lying.

Even the photographer that worked for Andrea, and I, Jake. He worked for me.

No one should recognize my face except for the people in my past. Which I will hopefully never see again.

It's no wonder my brother turned out just like my father. I'm not any better than my brother. The only difference is that I chose not to side with my father.

I don't blame my brother for siding with him. It was all he ever knew. All he was ever taught. I also have no remorse for his death.

The brother I grew up with died the night my father put the crown on his head. My father believed that women had no place beside the men in this world.

A woman is not their equal. They belonged under men to do as they say, and behind them to follow orders. Which is exactly how he treated me.

My father killed my mother soon after she gave birth to Salvatore. He needed her for one reason. To give him an heir, and after she did her job she was useless. I mean it wasn't like he loved her. I heard rumors that my father was in love with a woman before her, but I don't believe he can love at all.

My father was going to kill me, but then he found my use. To help him gain control, and more power since that's all he ever cared about.

That's why he wants me now. For power. He wants the Russo's to be the most powerful, and the most feared again.

Well he's the one that should be scared, because once I find him, I will show no mercy. He showed no mercy to me growing up, none to my brother, and absolutely none to my mother.

Stefano's time on this earth is limited. I will kill him, and carve his heart out just to make sure it isn't beating anymore.

The Russo empire will die. I will vanish like I have now, but for good.

My father thinks that he can get to me before I get to him. He has no idea how wrong he is.

I am better than my father ever was. That's why he kept me on a leash, because he didn't like the fact that I was always better than my brother.

I surpassed Salvatore at everything. Stefano wouldn't stand for it. He didn't. Now he doesn't have a choice.

He will die, and it will be by my hands.

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