Chapter 2 - Plain and Simple

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Maxon's POV


"You need to get out more." Andrea tells me over the phone.

I was calling to check up on the Marino empire, but it turned into an entire fucking lecture. She thinks that, because she's older than me that she can act like my mother.

Andrea is twenty seven, and I'm twenty five. We met when I was twenty two. She once told me that she thought I was going to be older. I get that a lot.

Maxon de Martel. The most known assassin, and hitman, slash technological genius when I want to be. I started when I was sixteen. I never really did have the normal teenage experience. I knew exactly what I wanted to do from a young age, and now I'm the best at it.

Andrea says that I'm young, and that I shouldn't always be so serious. After the war with Stefano I helped Andrea get settled into being the queen of an empire.

She can be annoying, and very overbearing sometimes. Olivia comes into the kitchen, and I can tell she has something to tell me by the look on her face.

"I have to go." I say before hanging up the phone. I know I'm going to get yelled at later for just hanging up on her face, but I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

Olivia smiles at me.

"Hey boss." She says, and I suppress an eye roll.

I used to work alone, but I needed some assistance. Olivia can do it all. From tech, to fighting. She's good at what she does. She supplies me when I need it, and most importantly she does whatever I tell her. Her best quality.

She can also be a brat though. It's no secret that Olivia is in love with me. I just don't care. I actually kind of feel bad for her. I mean it's not like I'm ever going to love her back.

It's not like there's anything wrong with Olivia. I just can't give her what she wants. Love.

Love is something I find unnecessary. It makes you vulnerable, and it makes you weak. It causes problems that could easily be avoided, and clouds your mind.

If Olivia wasn't so good at what she does I would've fired her a long time ago. She can be a real bitch when she's upset, and sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. Although times like now make it clear that she is.

"I've found out some important information." She says with a beaming smile on her face.

"Well spit it out." I say, because I hate suspense.

"I got news about Stefano Russo."

"What is it?"

"There's word that he's in California working with Jase Williams."

Jase Williams. He's a gunsmith. He comes out with all the best weapons, and like me works with different cartels, and mobs all the time. We both play the field. Give everyone weapons, and see who wins.

Although lately I've been focusing on my own agenda. I stand up walking over to Olivia. Her breath hitches as I hover my face over hers.

She looks down at my bare chest as I stand shirtless in only sweatpants. I lift her chin up with my finger making her lock eyes with me.

"Good job Liv. I might just have to reward you." She blushes when I call her Liv. She likes it when I call her that. I hate it, but I never want to leave a woman unsatisfied.

"I would very much like that." She says.

"What would you like to do?" I ask her.

She lowers herself, getting down on her knees, and she begins to pull my pants down. Did I say her listening was her best quality? Well I think I might have been mistaken.

I rub my head as Olivia, and I ride on my private jet. I hate traveling in the air. It always gives me headaches, but it's the quickest way to get there.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asks me.

"Yes." I say continuing to rub my temples. She hands me a aspirin, and water. I thank her, and she smiles at me.

To be honest Olivia's all you need in a woman. She's smart, compassionate, sexy as fuck, and can kick ass. I just don't see myself being serious with anyone.

She knows this, yet she tries anyways. One thing about Olivia is once she sees something she wants she won't stop until she gets it, but her bitchy side is ugly. Like now.

The female flight attendant comes up to me batting her eye lashes. Olivia sends her a glare the second she walks up to me, but she just shoots her a look right back.

"Is there anything I could get you Mr de Martel?" The attendant asks.

"You could stop throwing yourself at him like a whore." Olivia shoots at her.

"No." I simply say, and the attendant walks away scowling at Olivia.

"That wasn't necessary Olivia." I tell her.

"She was obviously eye fucking you Maxon."

"And you don't? Olivia I already told you I don't do relationships. You don't own me. I'm not yours, and you're not mine." She goes quiet at my words, and looks out the window.

We have another two hours until we land. This is torture.

"Jase's annual bid is tonight. We can question him there." Olivia says, and I just nod.

Every year Jase has a gallery showing off all of his newest inventory that people can bid for before they're on the market.

Jase is good at what he does, but once people hear he's been working with Stefano everyone's going to want his head.

It's funny, because everyone in the mafia is a horrible person, including myself. It says a lot that we can all agree to hate Stefano though. Well most of us can. Some still like him.

It's a good thing no one else knows about our tip right now. I was only able to find out, because Stefano truly wasn't expecting it, and didn't have his guard up.

Everyone knows how good I am, but Stefano makes the mistake of overestimating himself, and underestimating everyone else a lot. It's what got him here in the first place.

That's how I got to the top. No one ever believed a sixteen year old boy could become the top assassin, but what they don't know is that with the right motivation anything is possible.

That's why I never let my guard down. You never know who's who. A woman could seem all sweet, and innocent, but she's a black widow in disguise.

That's how Olivia gets shit done. They underestimate her, and she bites them in the ass.

Tonights objective is easy. There should not be a single complication. Plain, and simple. I let my head fall back on the seat. I close my eyes, falling asleep.

"Wake me up when we land." I mumble before I can fall too deeply.

Nothing can go wrong.

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