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Lex's POV

The first memory I have of Ivan Petrov was in my first Wildcat-Falcon game. I was a freshman and so was he. In games as important as this, freshmen seldom played. We were benched the whole time, probably substituting if someone was seriously injured.

But even that rarely happened.

Cal, Jamie, Blake and I were on the bench, watching the Wildcats play against the Falcons. Most of them were senior years, and the rest were juniors. The sophomores, like us, were benched as well.

Unofficial cheerleaders. That's what we were.

The Falcons were leading, but the Wildcats weren't very behind. We only had a two point lead, and judging by the way the Wildcats were playing, we'd lose that soon.

After the half time break, the Wildcats made some changes in their team. They were six points behind.

The second half began. Among the five Wildcats on the court, I'd never seen one of them before. 'Petrov,' his jersey read. And he was a freshman. All the other freshmen - both Wildcats and Falcons - were looking at him with envy. He was playing in the most important match the school ever had, and he was just a freshman.

Blake and Jamie started laughing. The Wildcat coach must be absolutely nuts to let a freshman play, especially when they were losing.

But Petrov made all the difference. He was reckless. He'd score from across the entire court, he made three-pointers look like a joke. And he dunked, not once, not twice, but a total of five times in just one quarter.

He was a machine. A scoring machine. The Wildcats simply had to pass the ball to him and he'd make a shot in record time.

And he was the shortest in the team. But he used his height to his advantage. While everyone else was running, he was practically flying. His feet barely touched the ground. He was that light. If someone told me his bones were hollow, I'd believe it.

We ended up losing the game, obviously. But it still was quite close. The Wildcats were ten points ahead of us. All because of Ivan Petrov. The game changer.

All of us were in awe even if we wouldn't admit it. This guy had a sure shot at all the major leagues. Hell, he'd even make it to the NBA. After seeing him play, we all knew our future was bleak.

"He on 'roids, or somethin'?" Carlo 'Cal' Rodriguez asked us all. Jamie, Blake, Cal and I. We were, according to most seniors, the future of the team. 'Rising talents', they'd called us. But after looking at Petrov, even that felt like bragging.

"Even if he's taking something, he won't be able to play like that," Blake said. "Future MVP of the NBA, I'm telling you. The next Jordan."

"Woah." Jamie this time. "You're gonna start an Ivan Petrov fan club if we let you go on."

We all laughed.

"What's up, Lex?" Blake brushed my shoulder. "You've been quiet."

I shrugged. "Nothing, really."

"Took your breath away, didn't he?" Blake looked pointedly at Petrov. He's always been able to see through me. "Everyone's blown. You should see the way the seniors talk about him. He really is something."

I nodded wordlessly.

Blake exhaled. "A shame he's stuck with Vinny and his crew."

I chuckled. "You wish he played for the Falcons instead? That's like treason, isn't it?"

"Oh, come one! Everyone's thinking it, there's nothing wrong if I say it."

I laughed with Blake. "Make sure Jamie doesn't hear that."

Living with Hope ✓ [ boyxboy ] [ Completed ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora