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The Stupid Effect : Gradual increase of stupidity due to presence of stupid people

Ivan's POV

The weekend's here. And I've come to learn that Hope washes his hair with shampoo and conditioner during weekends and spends all afternoon showering.

Pissed, I decide to use Sebastian's bathroom to shower. Sebastian's a good guy, he showers almost as soon as he wakes up and takes less than ten minutes at that.

Granted, his hair isn't as good as his brother's. But two whole hours to simply wash some puny hair? I bet Rapunzel's baths were shorter.

I spend some time figuring out how the taps work and then strip my clothes, and start washing myself. After I'm done, I wipe myself with the towel the Hopes lent me and wear my usual outfit - a faded t-shirt and comfy shorts.

My hair is wet, slicked back and pressing the ends of my nape. As I exit the washroom and enter the small corridor that separates it from the main body of Sebastian's room, I hear a voice. A girl's voice.

Shit. I hide behind the wall, hoping she doesn't see me. After taking a deep breath, I peek and see Sebastian and the girl sitting on the floor backs against the side of the bed. Their legs are extended. There's a book - not a comic, a book - on Sebastian's lap. The girl's wearing skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt. She's dark-skinned and her face just glows like she just got bathed in honey or something. And when she smiles, a dimple shows up, which makes her already lively face more bright.

She must be Jessica Snow, Sebastian's girlfriend.

At the moment, she's talking to Sebastian about... The LGBT community?

"I'm pansexual, okay. Not straight. Not gay! I can date whoever I want," she says, frustrated.

"I know," Sebastian responds, sounding confused.

"And that means I can date you right?" she goes on.

"Jess, you are dating me," Sebastian reminds her.

I know," there's a smile on her annoyed face.

"What happened?" Sebastian asks, knowingly. His voice is filled with concern. "Did someone ask you if you date pans again?"

She laughs and shakes her head. "They said I'm straight. That I'm saying I'm a part of the LGBT community just to get attention."

Sebastian's jaw clenches. "Who? Who said this shit?"

Jessica shakes her head. "Those Seniors. Cheerleaders."

"That's so fucked up. Are they in your cheerleading squad?"

"No. But we had combined practice yesterday and..."

"Aren't they the same people who said they supported Callum when he came out?"

Jessica nods. "Yeah. They're messed up."

Sebastian huffs. "I think I hate these fake supporters more than non-supporters."

"Me too, I guess. I mean, who cares what my sexuality is? I like - and date and kiss and fucking sleep with - whoever I want to, right?"


"It's not... how can someone tell me I'm not pansexual? They know me more than I know myself?"

"They're douches," Sebastian mutters.

Jessica nods. "Big time. My first crush was a girl, you know? I am pansexual. That's a fact, and you don't question it. Like fire. It's so hot, you can't question it."

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