"She kept calling me legally blind!"

"Guilty," Kaia grinned, leaning forward and reaching out with her hand to brush Taylor's hair behind her ear. "Still, I didn't say anything about Lasik. That was all you!"

"Well, now I can't see anything!" Taylor whined, pushing her palms against the goggles.

Kaia gently eased her hands back down, squeezing her fingers three time.

"You'll be as good as new and even better in a few days," Andrea reassured her. "You got her?" She asked Kaia who nodded, still grinning widely.

She was enjoying this way too much.

Kaia got out of the car first and helped Taylor make her way safely inside. She led them to the sitting room first and started heading for the couch when Taylor stopped in her tracks and looked up at the ceiling, her nose scrunched.

"What is it, love?" Kaia asked her, tugging at her hand. "You don't wanna lie down for a while?"

Taylor scrunched her nose again and pinched it with her free hand. "I have to sneeze."

"Oh, no," Kaia grimaced, bracing herself for it when Taylor just lightly coughed and shuddered.

"Did I sneeze?"

"I— hm..." Kaia had no idea how to respond. "No, that wasn't a sneeze."

"Oh, okay..."

Taylor opened her mouth, licked her lips, and closed them back up before repeating the same pattern twice more. "Can I have coffee?"

Of course that would be her first craving. "Are you sure you're up for something hot, Tay?"

Taylor gave her a drunken smirk, smacking her shoulder lightly. "Are you flirtin' with me?"

Kaia snorted, nodding her head. "Yes, I am most definitely flirting with you right now."

"Well... my mom's here, but—"

"Yeah, let's not bother your mum, darling," Kaia told her through a laugh. "Let's get you an iced coffee, how about that? You can drink it with a swirly straw. I know we have them somewhere around here from that last party you threw."

"Mmm, okay," Taylor beamed lazily and leaned her weight against Kaia as she led them to the kitchen.

Andrea was already in there brewing a cup of coffee and Kaia felt instantaneously relieved that she didn't have to make it for Taylor. In her state, she would have still drunk it but Kaia didn't want to take any chances and make her a horrible drink that would have a small chance of making her cry.

A big chance, really. Taylor loved to complain about bad coffee.

Once she helped her into a chair, Kaia went to hover next to Andrea and grinned sheepishly at her. "Would you mind making her an iced coffee? I wouldn't know where to start."

"Sure, hon," Andrea chuckled softly, grabbing the ice from the freezer while Kaia went to hunt for the colourful straws she had promised Taylor.

She couldn't find them anywhere in the kitchen so she started toward the dining room where surely enough, she found them stacked inside an oversized wine glass. Kaia couldn't help but snort as she picked a purple swirly straw and held it up triumphantly while making her way back.

"Aha! Found them! Did you put them in that massive wine glass?" Kaia asked when she found Taylor leaning over the counter, eyeing the bananas suspiciously.

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