Chapter 4 : Jealousy, Jealousy

Start from the beginning

I hit my head and look back at her "Hi" she says with a small smile "Hi" i wave back at her "Come sit next to me" she says tapping the empty space .

I hesitate "Come on" she says i walk to their table i look at the two girls sitting i see Rose sitting on the other side while the other girl i didn't even know her.

"Hi" i wave at Rose and the other girl they smile back at me , i felt uncomfortable around them , Ryunjin called the waiter "What can i get you?" he says .

"I'll have a double espresso" Rose says the other girl agrees too "I'll have an iced tea" i reply "I'll have Caramel Frappuccino" Ryunjin says.

Rose and the other girl didn't seem to enjoy my company they kept on glaring at me "Isn't he coming?" Rose says to the other girl "I don't know he said he was going to meet up with Jin today" the girl replies.

Ryunjin doesn't talk to them she keeps on looking through her phone and finally the waiter brought our drinks .

I start sipping from my drink i couldn't wait till the minute i finally leave from here , i was too focused on drinking my iced tea and getting the hell out of here "What took you so long baby" the girl says getting up and walking behind me.

I look back confused at what was happening right now i look back and catch eyes with Jungkook the girl was placing her hands on his hair i almost spill the iced tea i awkwardly smile and turn back .

"Where were you Jungkook" Ryunjin says Rose indicates Jungkook and the girl to sit "I told you Ryunjin Jin wouldn't stop nagging me he wanted to meet" he replies .

I was hoping he would maybe notice me and say hi but he doesn't bother he walks past me and sits next to Rose "Babe" the girls whines and sits on his legs.

I catch him looking deep in my eyes making me feel uncomfortable even more because I have no idea what he's thinking but I'm not stupid enough to think like there is something going on between us because THERE ISN'T ANYTHING GOING ON.

He looks at me with a cold gaze and turns around , he talks with the girl he places his hands on her waist making her squeal is he trying to make me jealous or something i scoff and look away.

The way he held her waist like she was his own personal airship, they were so in love at least she looked like she really liked him he didn't though. His arms tightened around her waist a bit. She could feel herself being pulled into him.

"I missed you " she says he doesn't reply and just pulls her giving her a peck i could feel my face heating up . "Let me freshen up" the girl says and gets up.

So you two are a thing, huh?" Rose asks with a grin he doesn't even reply "I like her" he replies looking at me i wanted to cry right there "Woahh.. Jungkook who are you trying to impress here" Ryunjin scoffs he glares at her.

"You are an idiot" i say to myself my heart was burning i was very much JEALOUS because the only person i wanted to kiss or hold hands was him. It's funny how things are i really much like him while he just doesn't even care about my stupid existence "I should probably go" i say i reach for my bag and open my wallet "Don't worry i'll pay" Ryunjin says .

"Oh no" i reply "Don't worry Y/N" she replies i smile and take my bag "Bye" i wave at Ryunjin both Jungkook and Rose stay silent i walk away.

"Why did you even call her to sit here!" Rose says i could hear her voice i don't know whether she did it on purpose or not "What's the problem!" Ryunjin says back "I can't stand her stop trying to be nice to her " Jungkook says .

Tears starting falling from my eyes i walk out of the café' i wipe my tears "I can't stand her" the word keeps playing in my mind tears keep on falling from my eyes and I try to get them to stop they are flowing and i am crying i am sobbing and the only thing i can do is close my eyes so i don't cry anymore.

My hear was aching "how could he say that about me? How could he say this to me? What did i ever do to him?" thousands of questions play in my mind i wipe my tears and walk i couldn't understand the reason why people hated me this much.

I don't know why people decide to just hate me without even knowing me . It's funny how it's easier to hate yourself than to someone else, but when I was younger I did the exact same thing as everyone else, I hated myself.

And yet when I had a problem, no matter what happened, no matter how hard things got, I always thought I'D BE OKAY if only I could get through them. That way, my problems would disappear in front of me and I'd be able to smile, to move on from them. But that wasn't possible. No matter how much I tried I didn't fit anywhere in society. Even when I was still living with my father ...

I open the door to my house and walk in.

I can feel the pain in my chest and i wish i could say that i am strong and okay but i know that's not true i can't do this anymore, i need to get out of here. You break me apart and leave me in pieces, every second spent with you makes me sick to the stomach i hate myself for loving someone like you.

"Why you? Why did it have to be you?"

A/N Tysm for reading "Blame it on me" please vote and comment . The last lines wrote in cursive are just Jungkook's thoughts i'll reveal everything slowly ...
Please comment your thoughts💕❤and next update will be next Saturday night or day whatever it is in your country ❤ anyways Ly guys<333

Please comment your thoughts💕❤and next update will be next Saturday night or day whatever it is in your country ❤ anyways Ly guys<333

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