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"We are sexually compatible. You are free... I am free... So... why not?" - Min Yoongi


A happy tone has been humming and dancing on your lips. A little skip with each of your steps. A tiny smile curves at the corners of your mouth. Everything seems bright and dreamy...and bouncy... and light...and...

You hum again with a giggling delight as you walk towards the window of your room and open the curtains, letting the morning light floods within. You feel the sun beaming, but instead of squinting on it, you let it caress on your skin.

Something just swells within your heart. A rushing flow of emotions that you couldn't determine has been swirling on your chest. It doesn't weigh a gram. Instead, it lifts your spirit up. You feel like flying...more like floating in an uncharted space.

You don't question so much about it. It's definitely because of a particular someone. There is no reason to suppress it. You just let it be.

"Ah! What a wonderful morning!" You mutter to the floating clouds.

Stepping back, you proceed to your morning routine.

Under the sprinkling warmth of the shower, the humming becomes a song. It's seldom that you practice the angelic tone of your voice. You just feel happy. One can't just hold the giddiness. It just escapes.

Your song loudens as you busy yourself with cleaning...with brewing coffee...with making your morning toast. Lyrics of wonders, fantasies and love starts to form on your tongue. It come first unsure, but ultimately, you just let it flow. There is no measure...rhymes are poor... grammar is unstructured... you just simply let it spill from your mouth. It then rushes strongly. Your throat relaxes and constricts for a higher pitch until you stop and breathes...

You just sang your own version of euphoria. It's messy but quite beautiful.

You smile.

"You have a wonderful voice." A voice snaps you from your own world of music and makes you swivel to the last person you expect to be seeing.

"Yoongi!" You gasp.

"Perhaps you could feature with one of my songs." He casually comments with a grin.

"Oh." You freeze with that idea. Because that would be crazy... and was just him flirting to you? What's with that melting grin?

"Cute." You hear him mumble as he takes sip of out of his mug. His orbs are in their usual lazy gaze upon yours, finding interest with your dazed marbled pair.

You clear your throat with the raise of his brow.

It takes you a great while snatching your rationality back to where you are gawking and blushing at. You just couldn't fathom once again how you are an Aphrodite to them. It's still a surprise. Though you were with the other just last night, it still doesn't sink within you that the men that you had been sleeping with are your models. It doesn't help that another one is in fact right in front of you.

"Have you been here long?" You ask back instead. You can't think of when did he arrive. Was he already in the penthouse before or after your arrival at dawn?

He looks so comfortable, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. It seems that he has been in the vicinity for a while already. It's very telling. Not that his half-filled mug of coffee has any indication. Nor with his bed head, white crumpled shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. You doubt he had been walking around nor driving looking like that.

"I have been here since last night." He hums as he takes another sip of his coffee. "I texted you."

'Last night? But I was with Hobi?' You wildly think. Immediately your cheeks heat up with the memory of a certain Jung Hoseok. The man was precious...naughty... and wild... and at the same time, a total gentleman. He made sure that you would be home safe and sound. You totally forgot anything else when you were with Hoseok. He was simply all consuming. There was nothing to think but him. If only he had no early schedule, you would have been still with him.

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