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"There are only four types of costumers; lonely unbounded men and women, horny lustful men, curious adventurous soulmate couples, and Aphrodites. Which are you?" - Sex Shop Lady


Your phone dings with a notification. The loudness echoes through the place cutting you off from your lewd recounts of what happened the other night. You can't still move on with it. Pausing your musings, you open the chat.

"Thank you." You mumble as you read the two words. Your brows furrow as you notice the name of the one who chats your messaging app. You do not know any Jin in your life. Perhaps...

You replied with a "Who is this?"

The immediate reply is like a joke with a laughing emoji followed by; "The other night was wonderful. I can't wait to have you next time. I rut with you." The tone of the message and the wink emoji after the last statement is teasing you as you blush. This reminds you of him.

"Oh My God! He is texting me!" You squeal. He seemed to have listed his number in your contacts. 

Before you could think of a comeback, you notice the three dots indicating that he is typing for another message. You decide to wait.

"I have a question." He asks.

"What is it?" You immediately reply.

"I thought you are unbounded, but I noticed your soul ink on your lower abdomen. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help noticing it." The last statement is hurriedly typed as if he finds it invading to ask you about your tattoo on your belly. Gosh... he had fucked you senseless... How come he find it rude to take notice of it? If you remember, it was so dark when you did the deed. Perhaps he saw it when he carried you to your bed.

"It's just a tattoo." You honestly admit.

"Really? Not a soul ink?" The reply has taken a bit awhile. It's as if he is in doubt to believe in you.

"I did it to pretend. You know." You explain, hoping he would understand. "I won't re-ink it if you find it uncomfortable. It will vanish before you know it. Besides, there's no use for it anymore." You add.

You wait for the reply but nothing follows that. You instead sway for another topic. "So... what should I call you sir Jin?"

"You mean you don't know me? After that night?"

"I am sorry. It was so dark and my poor eyesight can't see you clearly." You immediately typed. "I hope I don't offend you."

"Ow. Well... I like you calling me Sir. It sounds great uttered by your lips." You feel a chill creeping to your spine as you read it, remembering once again what you did. You were moaning the word, unable to call him any name. Plus the wink emoji, which he had used twice after his playful messages, somehow connotes something so evilly conniving and sexy to your brain. 

"That's it for now. I have to go." He bids his farewell. "By the way, have you seen what I left for you at your bedside?" The last message excite you as you hurriedly prance back to your bedroom. 

'What could it be?'

Your eyes widen with the black card on your bedside table in between a folded piece of paper with a message written on it. You failed to notice it for you just slept your body the entire day yesterday, as you felt the soreness and the exhaustion that caught you after what happened. 

You slept like a baby.

"I hope you'll use me for your pleasure. Buy anything you want and enjoy." You read the neatly written words aloud.

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