Half Asleep ~ NR

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Warnings: Sad lol

You waited patiently for your toast to pop. The sun gleaming through the windows of the kitchen almost blinded you, the smell of breakfast field the air, the comfort of Natasha's jumper filled your body and the arguing between bucky and sam could be heard from a mile away.

"What are you making?" Natasha sat on the kitchen counter beside you.

"Toast. Sorry I forgot to offer you some." You replied with a yawn, rubbing your eyes.

"I'm sure i'll be alright, sort yourself out my love." She replied with a smile. Her smile.

"I didn't get any sleep again last night." You added, taking the toast out of the toaster and buttering it.

"I'm sorry, baby. I did say you need to take your tablets." Natasha sighed, picking up your meds that you had left on the side.

"You know how much I hate the way they make me feel." You huffed as you walked past her, taking a bite of your toast.

"I don't care. You need to sleep, it's not healthy." Natasha fell into step with you as you headed toward the lounge where the others would be.

"I know, I know." You dismissed it with a wave of your hand as you got to the doorway of the lounge.

"Morning, Y/n." Wanda smiled at you, being the first person to notice you're arrival, snapping you out of your own mind.

And just like that, you were back in reality. The world where Natasha is truly gone.

"Morning." You grumbled, the others greeting you as they notice your appearance.

"You look like you're half asleep." Clint commented as you sat down beside him.

"Are you okay?" Peter questioned, noticing that something was off.

"I'm fine, honestly." You replied bluntly, hoping to drop the topic.

"You don't look fine." Jeremy added, and you rolled your eyes.

"Whatever." You sighed before finishing your toast and leaving to put your plate back in the kitchen.

Though, you didn't notice Wanda following you out and into the kitchen, sensing something was up.

"Are you okay? And don't say your fine because i know you aren't. I'm your best friend you can tell me anything." Wanda stated abruptly before you could even clock her in the room.

"I'm alright, wanda, just one of those days." You half smiled at her to which she rolled her eyes.

"You know i can read minds right?" She replied and you sighed, defeated.

"You haven't been taking your meds have you?" Wanda softly spoke and you shook your head.

"Why, Y/n? They're there to help you." She sighed, only wanting what's best for you.

"I see her when I close my eyes. Maybe one day, you'll understand why. The love of my life has actually died." You almost whispered, but Wanda heard you.

"What are you doing at night though, Y/n? You need some sort of rest, meds or no meds." Wanda replied with a sympathetic smile.

"Staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in my heart. I see her when I fall asleep, never to touch her and never to keep." You didn't realise the small tear falling down your cheek.

"I know how much you love her. This isn't good for you, you need these for a reason. I know when you're asleep isn't the only time you see here. I heard you this morning." Wanda observed and you accidentally let out a sob.

Wanda was instantly by your side and pulled you into her for a hug. She knew that no one will ever understand the love and connection that you and Natasha had. That no one in this world will eve love as hard as you two loved.

And that's what hurt Wanda. Knowing that her best friend has lost the one person that loved her most in the world, to see her this upset. To go through pain that may never end, that may never leave.

Grief. The feeling of unexpressed love.

(A/N) I'm in my feels tonight lmfao. On a good note though, I'm seeing Harry Styles in two days! I'm so exciteddddd

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