Its her fault ~NR

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Warnings: Swearing

(Mother Natasha) (Pretend she is capable of having children)

This is from Season 3 Ep.17 of Agents Of Shield when everyone finds out that Daisy is under Hives manipulation. You are dating daisy and everyone currently thinks that Lincoln is under Hives manipulation instead. Something huge then happens and you have to try explain to you mother.

"If we know that Lincoln is under Hives control then why don't we just kill him? Eliminate the threat? We know it's not daisy or Yo-yo or even Joey so..." You sat in the chair beside Fitz in the lab as you spoke to both him and Jemma, plus Coulson and May.

You never liked Lincoln, he was practically obsessed with you girlfriend Daisy so you weren't scared to kill him. Hell, you'd volunteer to do it yourself.

"As much as you may not like him, that's not an option." Coulson shut down your idea immediately, to your frustration.

"Any one of them could be under his mind control, we just have to play it safe." Jemma replied to which you nodded, she was right.

"Fitz, Simmons, continue finding out as much as possible about Hives manipulation and whatever we can do to help them. Y/n, you're free to do whatever, just give the four of them some food in a while, May, come with me." Coulson ordered everyone, to which you all obeyed. Though, you didn't really have much to do while you waited.

You decided to stick with Fitz and Simmons in the lab, being nosy and possibly a bit annoying. You didn't know how long to wait, but you played it safe and waited at least 30 minutes.

By the time you decided to grab some food for them all, everyone was chilling. Jemma and Fitz went to their room, May and Coulson were in the lounge area and Mack was playing his video games.

You came out the kitchen with four trays of food, you were skilled so we're able to hold them, when you bumped into Daisy.

"Oh, hey, I was gonna bring you down some food." You stopped before her with a frown on your face. She didn't say anything, she just kept her head down.

"Look, I know you created the containment pods and everything but if Coulson found out you're out here, I don't think he'll like it. I'll walk down with you and once I've given the others there food I can come sit with you for a bit." You explained, you didn't know if she was upset or what.

Though she finally looked at you, and you instantly knew something was wrong. "Y/n, you can't be here." Daisy muttered, tears filled her eyes and confusion covered your face.

"What happened? What are you doing?" You went to take a step forward but she raised her hand, as if she was threatening you with her powers. But she was holding something.

"You weren't meant to see me." She shook her head, tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"Daisy, what are you on about? What have you got?" You gestured to the items she had in her hand, trying to get a better look.

Daisy attempted to take a step closer to a bag she found nearby, her actions making to cloth she was holding fall a little, revealing what she had.

"The terrigen crystals? Daisy, what are you-"
Though you cut yourself off as you figured it all out instantly.

"Oh my god, Lincoln's not under Hives mind control, you are!" You pointed at her, walking towards her slowly. She didn't want to hurt you, you both knew that, but she would if she had to.

"You need to let me leave, I don't want to hurt you." She took a small step back so you weren't to close to her.

"I can't let you go, just give me the crystals and i'm sure Fitz or Simmons can figure out a way to free you." You tried to persuade her but she shook her head.

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