How are you, darling? - SJ

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Warnings: Swearing

(Y/N is British)

You and Elizabeth Olsen were current sitting in your hotel room, in England. Your home country, we're you were filming a new movie you were in together.

"I can't believe him!" Lizzie paced around your hotel room. Her recent boyfriend had just cheated on her, when he went to a bar, and she was telling you all about it.

"Then he's a dickhead. Trust me you could've done so much better anyway." You replied as she sat down.

"What's so great about British girls anyway." She huffed.

"I'm just gonna pretend you didn't say that." You laughed and she turned to look at you.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just was I not good enough for him?" She bowed her head and you instantly was by her side.

"No, you were way too good for him. You deserve so much better." You assured her, just before she got a notification on her phone.

"Shit." Lizzie mumbled as she read the message.

"Everything okay?" You asked.

"My manager just texted me. Somehow the media already know what's happened." She got up and showed you the message.

"Holy shot that was fast." You reply as you read it.

"I've got to go make some phone calls, i'll see you tomorrow on set." Lizzie waved at you before she
left your room, walking past Scarlett who tried to say Hi but got ignored.

"What's up with her?" Scarlett asked plopping down on the bed.

"[Lizzie boyfriends name] cheated on her and the media have already found out." You replied grabbing a drink.

"Shit. Is she okay?" Scarlett questions and you nod.

"I think she's more angry than sad." You sighed laying beside her.

"How did it happen?" Scarlett asked concerned.

"He kissed another girl at a bar." You replied and she gasped a little.

"Son of a bitch." She muttered.

"It must be hard going through that though." Scarlett added and you nodded.

"I would be furious." You agreed.

You both payed there for a minute thinking about what Lizzie was going through. Then you get an idea and sit up.

"I have an idea." You began and Scarlett looks up at you.

"Okay." She replies.

"Say you're at a bar right now, and we are together, and I, a beautiful female, comes up to you and starts flirting with you. Show me what you would
do, okay?" You explain and she nods, sitting on the edge of the bed as if she was sitting at a bar.

"Action." You laugh and go sit beside her.

"Hello, pretty lady." You get shoulder to shoulder with her.

"How are you, darling?" You ask, in character and Scarlett turns to face the other way. You get up and sit in n the other side of her.

"Playing hard to get, I see." You both try to keep serious faces, trying not to laugh at your acting.

The next thing you know, Scarlett has put you in a head lock, not hard as she didn't want to hurt you.

"I have a fiancé." She mumbled before pushing you away from her.

"What in the vampire diaries." You laugh, breaking your character.

"You would seriously put someone in a head lock?"
You laugh uncontrollably.

"What else am I meant to do? I didn't go through all the black widow training for nothing." She laughed with you.

"Okay, okay." You nod, not surprised.

"What would you do? You know, if someone started hitting on you." Scarlett asked.

"I'll show you. You pretend to be a stranger hitting on me." You replied and you both got into position. You grabbed your drink and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, what's a pretty girl like you doing alone?" Scarlett sits beside you, her voice wavy as she tries not to laugh at you pretending to talk to someone.

You turn around and ignore her, like she did when you pretended to flirt with her. She tapped you shoulder, to which you looked at her.

"Come on, no one can resist me." She smirked.

You took one look at your glass of water and smirked before pouring it on top of her to which she shrieks.

"I'm engaged." You reply, laughing at a wet Scarlett.

"I can't believe you just poured your drink on me." Scarlett huffed before standing up in her soaked clothes. You fall back on the bed in a fit of laughter.

"What? You asked what I would do, and that's what I would do!" You defended yourself.

"Fine then." Scarlett leaves the bedroom of your hotel room, leaving you alone in your bed. You assume she's going to sort herself out, so you sit on your phone.

Around five minutes later, scarlett comes back
in. You don't talk your eyes of your phone, as you're texting Lizzie but still greet her.

"Better?" You ask, feeling her presence.

"Yeah..." She began, and before you knew it she poured a jug of water over you.

"Much better." She laughed at your shocked state.

"Scarlett!" You looked up at her laughing at you.

"Okay then." You got up and wrapped your arms around her, getting her new warm clothes wet.

"Hey!" She tried to escape your grip but you both ended up falling onto the bed.

You eventually let her go but she didn't leave. You payed down looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you." She smiled at you.

"I love you." You replied before giving her a kiss.

(A/N) I know Elizabeth is married, it was just for the sake of his story line :)

Also not proof read

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