Is it really you?~ NR

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(Marvel X Dickinson)
Warning: None :)

Okay, so this is in the time of the avengers, i don't rlly know what the proper story line is but you have basically lived for years and no one on the team knows. You can kinda make it up as that part isn't rlly important.

You and most of the team were sat in the lounge, talking and messing around as usual. You're snuggled into Natasha's side as you laugh at Sam who's doing an impression of the hulk.

"You're actually pretty spot on." Tony agrees, as he finds himself laughing at sam's antics. What made it even funnier was bruce's reaction, being completely offended by sam's take of the green monster.

"At least I turn into a green rage monster and don't rely on technology to be on the team." Bruce repeated what Wanda had whispered to him as everyone else followed up with some "oooo's".

"Burn!" Peter laughed before shrinking back in his seat, terrified of the glare sam gave him.

"Ouch." You giggled, looking up at Nat who was laughing at Bruce's out of place comment.

"Wasn't this meant to be a team meeting anyway? Where's clint?" Sam sluggishly replied, sinking onto the couch between bucky and steve, two super soldiers who he thought could protect him some way.

"He texted saying he'll be two minutes." Natasha informed everyone.

"He's the on that called this meeting, shouldn't he be here already?" Bucky questioned, yet only got some shrugs in return.

"Mr Barton has just arrived and seems to be with a guest." Jarvis spoke through the room, catching everyone's attention.

"A guest?" Rhodes spoke up turning to Tony.

"You know about this Stark?" Steve questioned the billionaire.

"I know the same amount of you guys!" He defended himself and let out a sigh as the attention came away from him and onto clint who had appeared in the doorway.

"Finally." You muttered as you looked over to the archer expectantly.

"Ahem." He dramatically began once all eyes were on him, enjoying the bit of power he had.

"As you all know, I have been on a... personal mission these past few weeks. Trying to hide, once again, a dark time of my past." He explained and everyone nodded along.

"Well, during my mission I actually had some company. I very skilled archer, nearly as good as myself, who somewhat helped me get through these past few weeks. So guys, I'd like you to meet Kate Bishop." Clint finished and out came a young, around early twenties looking girl.

She had dark hair in a messy bun, and a beautiful floral suit, which totally contrasted the bow she had in her hands.

You stared at her stunned. We're you tripping? Was this some sort of weird coincidence? Or was this the person of your past?

"Hey guys!" She waved, as she looked at everyone in the room, eyes completely scanning past you.

"Emily?" It was meant to be a mutter but it was louder than you had thought. Everyone's eyes, including kate's were on you. You noticed her eyes widening as you both caught each other's gaze.

"Who's emily?" Natasha looked down at you with a frown, confused on your statement.

"Uh, no i'm Kate." Kate nervously laughed and stepped forward to shake your hand, you stood up and took her hand. That's when you knew.

The touch you were so used to. The touch you used to crave all the time. The touch that used to please and comfort you. You stared directly into her eyes, eyebrows furrowed, and tried to get an understanding of what she could be feeling right now.

You felt some hands push your shoulders down and you landed on Natasha's lap, her hands instantly wrapping around your waist. You hadn't realised how long you and Kate had been shaking hands

"Why are you acting weird?" Natasha whispered in your ear as the others introduced themselves to Clint's knew friend.

"I'm not." You shrugged with a shake of your head but Natasha knew otherwise.

"Don't lie. I can read you like a book." She muttered and you shrugged once more.

"She just looks like someone i used to know." You smiled, trying to reassure Natasha, who nodded reluctantly, not fully believing you but not choosing to have this conversation now.

"So, I never actually caught you name?" Kate
asked as she sat in the spare seat next to Wanda.

"Oh, i'm Y/n." You smiled, noticing her change in demeanour. The same look you had when you realised who she was.

"Oh, um, it's nice to meet you." She returned her smile awkwardly, shocked and not sure what to say.

"I was hoping, that maybe Kate could stay here a few nights, get to know everyone and how the team works, then we can all have a discussion about whether she should be in the team?" Clint suggested hopefully.

"I know this is knew, but she's is a very skilled woman and could be a good asset to the team." Clint added hoping to persuade everyone.

"I don't see why not." Steve smiled, clearly taking a liking to the young girl.

"It could be cool having someone knew!" Peter chimed in and eventually everyone agreed.

You couldn't help but stare at the girl. One of the people from the past you had tried so hard to forget about, but now she was here. In front of you. Going by the name Kate Bishop.

But all you could see her as was Emily Dickinson. The poet that once was one of the two people you loved most in the world. Who wrote to you every day, would cater to your every need and help
you through the troubles you both had to go through.

Just her presence brought back so many memories. You couldn't help but wonder about the other girl you were both so close to.

Sue Gilbert.

The three of you were inseparable (kinda like a throuple i guess). They were by your side in the time of your past. And now, at least one of them was back.

Natasha pulled you closer into her, clearly sensing you staring at Kate. She couldn't help but instantly feel jealous. To her you had only just met this girl and was already staring.

How couldn't you stare? She was Emily Dickinson.

(A/N) Okay i'm really excited about this because i'm going to make this into a mini series for this book. I'm having writers block for my main book but I have so many ideas for this, so you will probably get daily updates! Tell me what you think so far!

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