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It was 11 so I left to pick up the boys I picked everyone up then we drove to Mattia and Mia's house today we had to watch Izzy. Knowing Mia she wrote detailed instructions for us but also knowing us we needed them, we were scared there were going to to be gone until 10:30 pm which was a long time they were going shopping then on a date. We pulled into their driveway before we knocked on the door we heard screaming and then glass shatter we ran inside.


I was trying to get Izzy ready for the boys I was making formula for her because the sure as hell didn't know what to do Izzy was screaming when I was trying to make her food I picked her up while juggling the bowl of warm water to heat up the milk then I dropped the bowl which made Izzy cry way more and by this time I felt like I was failing being a parent and I didn't know what to do there was broken glass everywhere a crying child and a stressed mother Mattia had gone to the store to get snacks and dinner for the boys. Kairi had just came in but I didn't hear him he grabbed Izzy and she stopped crying Alvaro helped me with the glass I sat up and grabbed my phone I called Mattia

Mattia: hey baby I still at the store just about to checkout, what are you doing?

I didn't say anything I was still crying all he could hear was my crying
Mattia: baby what's wrong Hey hey baby you are okay, where are you are you at the house
Mia: mmmmhm
Mattia: okay I will be there in 10 I love you
Mia: I love you too

As this point I was in the couch with Izzy watching her Alvaro and Kairi were helping me with her food and cleaning the glass I grabbed the bottle from Kairi to feed Izzy when the door opened Mattia came in and hugged me I put the bottle down

Mattia: my love what's wrong
Mia: I am stressed I don't think I can be a good mother to Izzy I suck at this I don't know what to do I dropped her food and broke things I failed at making a bottle how am I going to be a good mother as she grows up I can't ev—
I was almost finished with my sentence when Maria kissed me not a peck like a I love you so much kiss.
Mattia: baby you are a great mom I love you so much Izzy is super lucky to have you as a mom she is going to grow up knowing you are the best mom in the world, our kids should be so luckily to have you as their mom me I don't think they care about but I guess they might like me
Mia: you really mean that babe
Mattia: yea babe I def mean that Now since the boys are here go get ready for our date, I will show them what to do with Izzy now go go

My love  (Mattia Polibio)Where stories live. Discover now