Doctors office

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I put on white shirt and some cute black pants that are super easy to slide down for they doctor. This was a simple outfit but I didn't care it fit me and I needed to go I ran out the door forgetting about breakfast and drove my self to the doctor office I sat down as I checked in getting paper work I said hi and sat down I heard the door open and I saw HIM he stood at the front desk and asked if I had gone in yet I answered for her and said no her looked at me and came over he tried talking to me but I simply said not here later.


Kairi texted me telling me she had left and to be carefull she has a strong punch I laughed and grabbed my shoes driving to the doctors office I didn't know what to do so I asked the lady and she was about to answer when I heard some one speaking for her I looked over and saw Mia she looked hot today I knew she was mad at me so I sat 2 seats away from her I went to speak two her but she said no

MATTIA: hi I am looking for Mia H. Has she gone back yet
MIA: no she hasn't why are you here
MATTIA: I wanted to be apart of this baby's life and yours I think you should let me explain
MIA: NO not here this is not the time or place we can go to McDonalds I need to eat breakfast I am feeling a little dizzy.
DOCTOR: Mia Hernandez
MIA: yes that me
DOCTOR: hi I am doctor Cortez,come this way with me you are in room 2. Dad you can sit right here the mom on the table pls with shirt up, so we can see
TECHNITION: hi I am Jenna I am going to squirt this on your stomach
MATTIA: laughs
MIA: stop
TECH: no it's fine we get it a lot this might be cold ok
MIA: ok that's fine
MATTIA: can I hold your hand
MIA: no back the fuck up and sit you are here idk why but you are you know I didn't want you here so no don't touch me right now
DOCTOR: Mia on your paperwork you said you were feeling dizzy and you had reoccurring headaches
MIA: yes that correct
DOC: ok Mia what are you eating habits like
MIA: well unfortunately they aren't the best I have been really sick emotionally and I haven't gotten up to eat a lot but I try my best for the baby
DOC: ok Mia I would really like to get some blood work form you and we need to work on those eating habits and make sure you are taking some prenatal vitamins. They really help
MIA: okay thx I will true my best
DOC: ok if that's all the tech will get some blood then I suggest you get vitamins then go home eat something and get plenty of rest. In 4 weeks I really want to see improvements pls any questions or concerns
MIA: ok I promise and none for me Mattia?
MATTIA: I have one umm can we still have us know when she pregnant
MIA: hits Mattia
MATTIA: ow what I wanted to know
DOC: *laughs yes you can up until 7 months cause that's when the body starts to prepare for birth slowly and in that process if you have sex it can cause premature labor.
MATTIA: good to know
By this time we were laughing and the tench had already drawn Mias blood she thanked everyone and stood up not talking to me not looking me in the eyes.

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