Time skip 6 months

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⚠️stranger things spoilers⚠️

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⚠️stranger things spoilers⚠️

This was Mia's baby bump she was officially 9 months to the day she was so tired of being pregnant. Which made her mad and tired she was alwyas yelling at her stomach trying to feet the baby to leave

Mia: get this fucking baby out of me
Mattia: it is okay love you are almost there couple more days until we see the baby
Mia: shut.the.hell.up She gave me a death glare
Kai: laughs as soon as it came out her realized his mistake
Mia: what the hell you laughing at you don't have to push 8 pounds out of you you don't get to laugh when you can push a child out of you, you get to laugh cool.
The room was quiet until she went on her phone
Mattia: what you doing
Mia: what do now I need your premisson to be on my phone no I don't and I am ordering wings, Cinnabon, pizza and pancakes with ketchup wings are going to be spicy so I can induce labor I will not share order your own damn food I want pancakes with ketchup becaus it sounds amazing right now and I also want to eat a pizza with extra pineapple
Ale: yeah there is no way that is good but okay
Mia: I don't care if it's good she wants she gets it, shut up. K?
Everyone shut up sitting on the couch watching stranger things (this is so good love s4) when they're was a knock at the door Kai screamed cuase they just watched then seen where Chrissy died they laughed at Kai while Mia waddled to the sort as she opened it she saw a teenage boy about 16 sitting their with her order and Mattias order she grabbed the order when he saw she was pregnant he said the worse thing he could have at that moment in time
R/D = random dude

R/D: hi here is your order. Woah you are pregnant makes sense why you wanted pancakes with ketchup he laughed and steered to walk away
Mia: no no no turn around
R/D: is something wrong
Mia: yes you next time you look at a pregnant woman you do not say that yes I am pregnant and yes I am aware I am huge but I DONT GIVE A FUCK right now your fucking job is to give me what I order and say bye but now since you have no decency to be nice and not be a annoying little child who barley got their license. I am very much aware of the fact that this craving is weird but when you have been creating a baby in your body for 9 long painful months you are got in to do what ever you can to get this baby out and not kill everyone in there at the same time you you can take the stick out of your self righteous annoying pencil pusher bitch as—


We sat back and watched knowing she needed to get energy out and he was annoying but hen she started to go on about 9 long painful months you are got in to do what ever you can to get this baby out and not kill everyone in there at the same time you you can take the stick out of your self righteous annoying pencil pusher bitch

As soon as I heard her tone get angrier I ran up behind her and put her on my shoulder covering her mouth.

Mia: bitch let me down

She started to hit my back and scream as I put her down on the couch I was very careful not to hurt the baby but I sat down next to her and gave her food as soon I put the food and fork in front of her she calmed down and stared to eat I laughed internally and watched I asked if we could watch top gun she muffled no shoving wings into her mouth.

Mattia: can we watch top gun pls
Mia: muffled NO we get to watch KUWTK the new one
The boys: nooooo pls anything else noooo
Mia: my tv my show I think y'all will like it
Mattia: nope
Mia: SIT you will all watch 5 min then you may leave
The boys: deal
Kai muttered: bitch
She looked at him and threw a wing at him it hit his face but he still ate in she looked at him and disgust and proudness.

20 min later

Ale: he got her sex tape back for her
Kai: I kinda wanna see the sex tape
Mattia: yeah wouldn't be a bad one
Mia: I wouldn't mind
Mattia: bitch tf
Mia: what you guys are annoying and I like to mess with y'all
They all laughed and resumed watching she soon fell asleep on the couch when she felt a sharp pain that woke her up.

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