Forgive but never forget

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I was a little pissed about him asking that question but it was good to know. She said I have to eat so I met Mattia at McDonalds and we ate and I let him talk about what happened I guess I was in a better mood now  that I had chicken nuggets.


I sat down in the booth handing her the chicken nuggets I went to grab one when she smacked my hand away she smacked it away even though she had a 20 piece,

Mattia: hey just one
Mia: I am eating for 2 bish 10 for me 10 for this one, I don't want to sit in silence so I will let you explain I promise I won't get mad if you tell me why you kissed her. Was I not good enough I know we only had sex once but was that not good?
Mattia: no no no baby it was good even great but no you will always be enough for me, I also didn't kiss her she kissed me I was a little tipsy and she took advantage she kissed me and her snakes took a picture I pulled away as soon as I could I promise I didn't kiss her. I love you and only you I love you so much.


When he told me the whole story and explained what happened exactly I felt like throwing up I was so mean to him i assumed what happened and didn't trust him I should have trusted him he wouldn't cheat on me I am so fucking stupid. My first physical reasctioj was to get up and hug him but I didn't I got up and kissed him not a peck like a full one passionate kiss filled with love and sadness.

Mattia: what is that for and what did it mean
Mia: That was for being a brat to you and this means I am sorry for everything for yelling at you blaming you and assuming so many things about your life the party I knew in my mind that you wouldn't cheat on me but I only saw what was in front of me. I am sorry. Do you forgive me??
Mattia: I forgave you after you kissed me that kiss said I am sorry but like you said you were being a brat and that can't go unpunished. *smirks
Mia: wipe that damn smirk off your face, I know what you mean but we can't we have the baby, what if hurts the baby?
Mattia: yeah I looked that up and there is nothing against punishments when pregnant only thing is you can't lay on your stomach which we can work around.
Mia: I miss this I miss you and I miss sex and the fact that Kai walks around shirtless does not help my hormones the amount of time I wanted to run home and hop on you and just sit there for hours and hours on end never letting go.
Mattia: then let's go, I want to go home and snuggle with my baby's again.

My love  (Mattia Polibio)Where stories live. Discover now