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I woke up again and felt throes sharp pains I ignored them and got up to make breakfast I wen to the bathroom did my stuff and saw Mattias mom making pancakes and bacon. I went down and lightly hugged her

M/m= Mattias mom

M/m: as you get closer to the due date and delivery I want to help as much as possible so I made breakfast and after I wanted to do some shopping for the baby, gifts and outfits so I can dress the baby in the best outfits and she will be my little princess
Mia: oh wow thank you so much this is a big help
*as I said this I got another sharp pain and winced
M/m: honey are you okay
Mia: oh yeah I am fine it is just the baby kicking or something I will be okay
M/m: Mattia breakfast, I shouldn't have to do this you are 18 years old, why is he not listening come on.
As soon I said his name he bolted down stairs and was freaking out he had the bag and shoes ready I started to laugh I told him nothing was wrong we neeeded him for breakfast her laughed but was a little mad he gave me a peck we sat down but I got another cramp I groaned loudly and Mattia looked at

M: are you okay princess
Mia: yeah I am fine just this little princess has been active it's like every 15 min she gives me the kick which turns into a cramp I think I ne—
M/m: wait honey did you say cramps are they little kicks or are they like sharp pains she say worried
Mia: sharp pains why
Mattia: mom what
M/m: honey I think you are in labor with the baby
Mattia: what the hell are we sitting around for let's go come one he grabbed my hand but his mom stopped him
M/m: if you go to the hospital now they will turn you away and say wait till your contractions are 7-9 min apart that's what happened with me
Mia: okay um so I sit and wait for me to be a very "fun" pain every 7 min great just great

It had been 30 min and contraction were 6 min apart they drove to the hospital and as they were driving her water broke and soaked the seat she yelled

Mattia: babe calm down it is okay
Mia: no my water broke idiot
Mattia: shit okay I am driving as fast as I can I go faster I break the law

They arrive at the hospital some time goes by and the doctor comes in
Doc: how is everyone today
Mia: what do you think you son a bitch
Mattia: I am so sorry
Doc: it is fine I have been called worse when mothers are giving birth they need to get anger out and they use people around them not lucky for us but it helps
Mia: yada yada blah blah blah technical terms which I dont care about get this fucking child out of me
Doc: I am sorry honey but your only 8 1/2 cm you need to get to ten before you start *buzz ok I have to go I will be back in an hour to see how your doing
Mia: okaAAAAY owww bye
Mattia: ok thx bye, babe can I call the boys
Mia: yes babe you may call the boys those man whores
Mattia: ok cool
Calls boys

K: Hey what's up?
Ale: what good
M: she's having the baby we are at Lincoln hospital (random name) if y'all wanna come by but be warned she is being a bitch she called the doctor a bitch and called y'all man whores I am sorry
K: OMG hell ya I am on my way
Ale: same
R: b right there
M: bye
K: be safe
R: have fun

After he hangs up she calls him over and he runs her back comforting her through the contractions he felt bad she was in so much pain, they boys made it and talked for a while she fell asleep with her on Mattias shoulder. The doctor came in while to body went outside for privacy.

Okay staring pushing blah blah blah she was almost there

Doc: one more big push
Mia: I can't do this
Mattia: yes you can baby. One big push,5 min of pain for a lifetime of happiness you got this!!
Mia starts pushing and is crying through the pain
Mia: ahhhh baby
Mattia: yea love
Mia: ahhh I am breaking up with you this is what you did this to me ahhhh
Mattia: baby I know you don't mean that it just the baby I love you too
Ahhh then the baby is out she hears her baby's cries and starts to cry not of pain but of happiness and the fact that she has her own child her own baby once she held that baby she knew every itching else didn't matter she would die protecting that baby.

The end

I will be making a sequel to this book stay tuned for part 2 bye wet spaghetti noodles

My love  (Mattia Polibio)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora